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The Odd Drop Brewery
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I’m baaack! .
So a while ago , 7+ months ago I decided I was doing too much with my time. I took a break, told the then boss to bash his job up his arse, and since March 31 this year I’ve doing my thing.
I’ve been studying ( cert iv WHS) and domestic duties as well as getting **** done for my better and self instead of others.
I’ve brewed twice this year,both recently and getting back on board.
I see the format has changed again so that’ll take some getting used to.
In my absence here I’ve been around and if any here have drank the Bullant Brewery’s Hell’s Gate IPA during the middle of the year, well that was brewed by the owner Neil, myself and my youngest Tom....fargin noice it is.
Inside running? Nah my Daughter works there and it was a golden opportunity to brew in a commercial sense ,we had a ball.
I asked Neil why start a brewery, his reply was...” sheer fuckn madness”.
The brewery is for sale but ATM not sold, it’s a nice patch of the country over there.
I see that Yob has shut down Hopdealz so where does a bloke buy hops now !
Yob, thank you for what you have done for AHB . And ya better half ( never forget the better half), and for your gifting to me, I hope to pass it forward here.
So once I’ve figured out this new format + the new IPad layout I should be set like jelly.
Got a lot of catching up to do so watch out.
iiiimmmmm baaack....hmm do I hear a chorus of...ahh ****?
Hello back Manticle, got a big grin on my dial remembering drinking with you and....ahh fig I cant recall his name, anyway July 2016 in the New Sydney? In Hobart. Pissed as a fart,apparently took me almost 2hrs to stagger to Salamanca where I was staying, a short walk. The cops where very helpful..apparently, as I was latter told.
Hello back Manticle, got a big grin on my dial remembering drinking with you and....ahh fig I cant recall his name, anyway July 2016 in the New Sydney? In Hobart. Pissed as a fart,apparently took me almost 2hrs to stagger to Salamanca where I was staying, a short walk. The cops where very helpful..apparently, as I was latter told.

Top evening. I remember we highly recommended a taxi but those walks, while a black hole next day, can be fun.
I thought you had jumped ship in America and ran away with the fairy, that's when you went off the radar.

I’ve still got that fairy much to my brother in laws annoyance. I’ve done 2 camping trips with it in the last 6 months, each morning it pops up out of the swag and wishes him good morning. Drives him up the fuckn wall.