How To: Make Girly Drinks!

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imagine you have too much beer........................................

oh oh sorry welcome back

now i've got a spare fermenter i know i know there should be more BEER IN IT but there isnt and surely this has happened to one or two of you's, but in an effort to produce the ultimate amount of beer i have been justifing it to the missus sometimes i'm so good she pays for the ingredients so dont burn me at the stake yet but i would like to know HOW TO.....

Maybe make something like a "stolli" or "lolli" or whatever these heathen creations be "remeber enough of these and she'll agree that beer gut is a washboard stomach"

so has anyone got a recipe for a sweet alchaolic soft drink that doesn't taste like alchaol (i think thats the secret to getting their clothes off i mean getting the ladies into social drink!!!!!!!)

i was thinking something along the lines of

1 - 2 kilo of dextrtose
packet or 2 of yeast
can of condensed milk (sweet as possible)
can o passionfruit?
can o pineapple chukcs and juice
maybe some blue food colouring or something gross to that affect?
little umbrellas.................

im really only upto my fourth beer so im a newb but have any of you Crazy beer crafting genius's made a SHEILAS DRINK or what?

hit me back
maybe go for a cider kit.

or search for "cider" and i'm sure you'll get a few apple juice/concentrate cider recipes.
I made a Coopers Real Ale and just LOADED it with this berry sauce. Put in about a kilo of the stuff and the fermenter went crazy. Thought it was gonna explode.

The end result was a dark, rich, fruity ale. My girlfriend loved it.

I'm making another one for her soon but am gonna use a Cascade Pale Ale. I'll post the recipe when I get it sorted.

Good luck!
I guess it would be something to put in all those clear stubbies you don't want to use for a real drink.

Seriously though, I did a cider(9% ABV) a couple of months back for SWMBO, needs a few more months to mature, so if you want something quick cider may not be the go.
ahh yes as a usual newb if i forgot to search!!!!

thanks peoples

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