How Old Were U When U Had Your First Beer?

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7 years old camping at Mahia Peninsula (NZ) with the oldies and their mates, the older kids managed to make an entire tray of Rheineck Lager go missing without any of the oldies noticing......2 hours later there were a dozen rather pissed younguns running around in the pine trees, and some not suprisingly seedy kiddies (and oldies) in the camp in the ever found out though, and I do recall vowing that morning never to drink again. That lasted till my mate rob started a clandestine home brewery in his tree house at age 13.....(he's now a reformed alcoholic who won't touch anything harder than lemonade - laughed his head off when i told him recently that I AG brew)
From that point it was drinkies with the guys after docking and shearing on the station at 14, sitting in the carpark of boardriders parties getting drunk at 16 (the drinking age in NZ used to be 20), and straight into running a little country pub bar at 17 (owner reckoned I looked enough like I was, and onwards and upwards into the hospo industry from I never had the chance to get away from beer (even if I wanted to... :) )
Yay for beer :lol: It has moulded me into the fine upstanding homebrewer I am today...... ;)
Check the ingredients next time you're in a bottlo, you'll find its made from mostly pear juice.


Edit: Funny that SB Original is clearly stated as "apple cider" where the Dry and Sweet are labelled to be "fruity", maybe the Original is actually (mostly) cider.

Thanks for that, Adam. Not sure why I wanted to know that anyway, as I'm unlikely to ever drink it again, but still..... :lol:
Thanks for that, Adam. Not sure why I wanted to know that anyway, as I'm unlikely to ever drink it again, but still..... :lol:
All this talk of "cider" is making me thirsty for one. Pint o' Bulmers at Scruffy's anyone?
I was about 4 or 5, my old man was a publican, so there was always a brew around.
Falling over pissed at 8 years old. Uncles wedding at our place. Into keg (probably Swan lager) with older siblings before the guests arrived.

Then throwing-up-bed-spinning-wish-I-could-die pissed at 13 at brothers mates 21st. One tender moment of bonding when my big brother sat by the bed and gave me a valuable tip: If you put one leg out of the bed and onto the floor, the bed stops spinning. Has worked for me to this day.

Thanks DB doesnt happen so much these days but will remember it for next time!

Wish I had of known that I was young!
i remember recieving the same advice, have not had to use it much in the last few years but boy it worked a treat when i was still in my teens

Had my first beer at a family Nye party when i was 13 it was a tooheys gold. How proud i was to be drinking a beer even tho it was tooheys gold. Drank half of it then when noone was looking tipped it into a pot plant. :lol: and never wnated abeer again so wasted a few years smoking the green then came to my senses.

At 15 drank 3/4 of a 700ml bottle of cougar in about an hour the night before a football match and wondered why it didnt "come on" as fast as the green did. About 20 mins later that was the end of me for a few hours while i dry reached under the back deck with a dog tearing my clothes up and i couldnt even move to stop it.

didnt drink for another year (or there abouts) then slowly fell into the nectar of the gods and havent smoked green since.

beer is best! and legal to.....
Can I mention a "shandy" with Resch's Pilsener given to me by my "Poppy" (step-grandfather) when I was but a wee lad?

Or do we have to go forward to the first Toohey's Draught that I managed to choke back when I was about 14?

Or the first full stubbie of VB that I drank/guzzled when I was about 14 1/2?
Or the first Tooheys Old that I bought when I was a goatee'd lad of 15 on work experience at Newcastle Uni?

Or the first Craft Beer I tasted, at the age of 23, a Matilda Bay Redback, of old, before CUB took over.
Or the first homebrew that I helped make and sampled at the age of 27 (late bloomer)?

Seth :p
As far as I can remember it would have been very young, less than 5. A sip of Dad's GOLDTOP beer.
Probably around four or five for me. My Dad used to poor me my own little beer (in an egg cup).
I remember one of my friends had his birthday and his friends snuck some beer in- I think it was his 14th, so I would have been 13. Anyways, I was given some beer mixed with coke (because they were being so *daring* they had to mix it to hide they were having alcohol). I gave him a "you're an idiot", drank some, and thought "I could be having Bundy right now" (back then I was a bourbon guy, now I hate the stuff)
Can I mention a can or 12 of something i stole off my dad and put in my cubby house when i was 2 year old?

Or do we have to go forward to the first Carlton Mid that I managed to choke back when I was about 15?

Or the first full stubbie of Crown that I drank when I was about 15 1/2?
Or the first Coopers Pale Ale (off tap) that I bought when I was a lad of 17 on at a mates 20th?

Or the first Craft Beer I tasted, at the age of 16, a Little Creatures Pale Ale?
Or the first homebrew that I made and sampled at the age of 17 (late bloomer)?

snail :p
First decent beer was when I was 18... I'm 18 now :p
That was in London and it was called Harveys Ale. Only sells in a couple of Pubs and it is one of the best beers I have tasted.
PistolPatch is my uncle (shhh) so I have learned a fair bit since he moved back to WA so now, unlike any of my other mates at uni, I actually get to drink, make and appreciate decent beer (I have a double BIAB setup with Pat in my shed)
I have got it lucky starting this early!

First beer I ever finished was when I was about 13. I remember trying a sip when I was about 5 though.
don't judge my parenting skills... but since my daughter was 6 months, she has had a fondness for carrying around empty stubbies.... and dunking her fingers/hands in my mugs, then sucking/licking her hands.

now that is is 1yo... she has learnt to use a chopstick to sample my brews by dunking that and licking it.

I dread the day she learns to open twist tops :(
I was very young when dad would let me sample the foam in his glass.

The first HB I made was when I was around 16,there were no kits so I made it with ever I could find.
This was the worst thing I have ever tasted in my entire life,9 years till I attemped it again.

Batz :beer:
Charters Towers, QLD. Would have been 1981/1982. Sip of the old man's Brisbane Bitter.

First HB was in Gordonvale near Cairns when I was doing my apprenticeship between 1991 - 1995. Was amazed at how I could ferment a beer in 2 days at 30C in the garage. Gave up and started again 10 years later at the suggestion of my lovely wife :)
I didn't really start drinking 'till relatively late in my teens. Always had a sip of beer or wine if I asked for one. Used to sneak sips of dad's port out of the cask as well ;)

I've got my daughter (1.5yrs) started early though. She calls all her drinks "Beer", and if she has a sip of my beer she says "ooo yum yum!":

This was her at 11months:

Had the nickname of "cotties" until I was a second year apprentice and decided that I was sick of that name so hooked right in and have never looked back, never had a hangover or felt terrible the next day no matter how big the night before hand was always thought mates were a bit soft for moping round all day after a huge one


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