How Many Ahb'ers Are On Facebook?

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Multiple Choice

  • Yes, I have a Facebook account

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I've never opened a Facebook account

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use it daily and update my profile all the time

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use it weekly and update my profile regularly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use it monthly and don't update my profile very often

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I use it for business

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've deleted my account

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It should be called Stalkbook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's Facebook?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I had one that I deleted.
Too many people I went to school with etc that I havent seen in 10 years all the sudden felt the need to try get me to "vote for their baby" or some other such crap. I started getting work collegues and contacts adding me and then photos from my past started to get added (often scanned in) and I was getting tagged. **** that.
Took me 3 days hard work to delete the account. I deleted ever photo, every wall post as many comments as possible. I untagged myself from as many photos as possible etc. I kid you not it took ages.

I went nearly 12 months but then I needed to contact someone who had stopped working for the company I was dealing with them through and had no way of contacting them - then I though "facebook" I created an account and logged in and found the person contacted them and got the info I needed. Then about 9 months later suddenly someone must have seeked me out as I all the sudden I got an influx of freind requests. I've gone with it but I've also refrained from using it much - I'll add people as friends but I'm not looking people up and hitting the "send freind request" button. I've also changed security settings so people can't tag me in photos or posts etc. I've also put a post on my wall stating that "I dont use facebook and dont be offended if I dont respond to you contact". Seems to be working so far. I've had a few people say to me at parties etc that they saw I started up facebook again but noticed I don't use it so they didn't bother friend requesting me - PERFECT.

I also have another account (yes two accounts - dont let facebook know I'm breaking their T&Cs) this one is set completely private and is used for communication with a very select few friends who I no longer see due to physical distances between us but I like to stay in contact with. If I make a post on a comment on their wall I come up as "facebook user" with a blank photo. 99% of contact is made via PMs. Its a little easier than email as it keeps a track of things and there is no spam etc. Its also setup without my real name and with an annonymous email etc.
Do I have something to hide? No - but I do like my privacy and I dont want all the ******* freind requests game requests what ever the hell else pops up. I also like being able to keep in touch with these select few friends without others knowing who I am etc.
Many years ago (can't remember how many, but I know it was more than 11), some genuine friends of mine started signing up on facebook and I started getting the auto-generated "Todd wants you to join him on facebook" emails. And they annoyed me. Couldn't help but think of how many pseudo-strangers that I've contacted once or twice for work or school or whatever via email that would get the same BS message if I signed up. So I never did.

Fast forward several years and I found myself in the (local) media spotlight for something I invented. Suddenly found myself to be the "belle of the ball" but I wanted to still control the release of the proprietary information regarding my device. Luckily I had been very careful regarding personal information and technical information. Then I noticed weird traffic/navigation info in my web logs. Searches that ended up at my site but from originating from facebook? What the?

Then it hit me. A particular reporter with a local paper had been VERY aggressive. One of the things she said to me was, and I quote: "unless you show us how it works we're going to blackball you." Which I found tremendously amusing because I didn't ask for their attention/help in the first place. After I told her that she could go pound sand because she didn't intimidate me, that's when the facebook searches started. It then all made sense: that reporter tried to find anything (dirt most likely) on me, and facebook was her start and end when it came to a search.

Since then I've noticed that any and every person in the news - from victims of crime to alleged perpetrators of it to business owners, etc - if they're in the news, chances are the photo of them, details of their private lives, you name it - all was mined from facebook.

And the fools put it there for everyone to see.

I'm going to do my very best to ensure that my kids stay the hell off of it too.
Never had an account, never will. My wife spend hours a week on the bloody thing, playing those stupid games trying to beat her "friends". :rolleyes:

I'd rather spend my spare time in here where we all share at least one thing in common.
I signed up initially to stay in touch with mates and family abroad and for when i was abroad.

Now i use it to rant about politics, religion and pseudoscience.
I am a man.
I don't read instructions.
I don't ask for directions.
I don't admit error.
I don't use feces book.

...well for a long time I didn't, now I use my account to demonstrate my superior wit and intelligence by making smart arse and borderline offensive comments.

...well for a long time I didn't, now I use my account to demonstrate my superior wit and intelligence by making smart arse and borderline offensive comments.


...I must have missed those demonstrations.
I thought thats how everyone used the internet
I just remembered I have a google+ account - what a f**king joke that is.

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