I've got a couple of full kegs waiting their turn. I don't filter (yet) so when I rack the beer into the kegs I add a smallish amount of sugar solution (about 60g sugar, boiled of course) and carbonate the keg like a huge bottle. Then after a few days I burp the keg (pull on the wee lever at the top so that the CO2 hisses out) and burp again after a few more days which should have flushed most if not all of the oxygen in the headspace, then just leave the kegs sitting till it's time.
Some brewers take the kegs to the kegerator and attach a gas line to the gas-in post of the keg and burp it a couple of times, flushing any oxygen, then store the kegs till ready, but my kegerator is in the lounge room and the kegs are in the garage and I'm a lazy sod :lol:
Currently I have 4 kegs and go through them fairly steadily but I'm shortly doing another 4 keg bulk buy so I'll end up with some beers sitting for a month or two as well.