Hops In My Fermenter

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I made the mistake of boiling my hops without a bag or such to contain them. <_< Now I've got hops floating around in my fermenter, and I would like to get them out or filter them somehow prior to bottling. I have to move it to a bench for bottling and I'll be bulk priming, so I don't think they'll stay settled on the bottom.
I was thinking of a grain bag or coffee filter over a funnel, but that's going to be a real pain I think, partly because the little bits seem to be partly blocking the intake in the fermenter so it drizzles out rather than flows. I hope someone has a better suggestion?
if they are pellets going commando in your fermetner they will settle out after fermetnation. if they are flowers you might need to skim them post ferment. If you have a thick krausen with pellets that wont subside post ferment you might also need to skim the excess pellets from the top too.

otherwise dont stress. I have copius amount of hop matter in my fermetners with every batch. The joys of doing cube no chill additions ;)
some even end up my glass... mmmmm, hoppy goodness!
I recently made a Wheat Beer and it was my first ever beer with hops additions, and I did the same thing chucked them straight in to the boil with out thinking about a hop bag.
Anyway after 11 days in the fermenter they settled under the yeast so there was none in the beer and none when I bottled.
Ditto to what Flash_DG said - I generally never have problems with not using a hop-bag. Mostly they'll all end up in my fermenter, and when you are cleaning it you'll notice flecks of green in the yeast cake. Thats the hops that've settled out.

If you're really a bit freaked by it, just use some finings to help clear the beer out before bottling.

Cheers - boingk
I also used nothing in my first extract boil, just threw the pellets straight in.
I tried to strain the wort through a colander into the fermenter but this really didn't achieve much...
I never had a problem with and I'm drinking the beer now, tastes bloody good!

For this brew I just gently racked it to a secondary w/gelatin and it came out clear as.

For my second brew I used a sanitised (and brand new) chux cloth in the colander, took a bit longer to strain, but did remove a truckload of hops/sediment/anything else that was in there.
Always throw the hops straight in the boil and into the fermenter. I only brew lagers but the hops settle into the yeast cake and never end up in the bottle. I then reuse the cake in the next brew and so on till the cake is green. I then start a new yeast going..

As for clarity who cares as long as it tastes good... :icon_cheers:
I just use an irrigation fitting in my racking hose, stops all the larger sized bits.

Thanks everyone! Very reassuring I'm not the only one who's done this, and that it should settle out. It was a bit disconcerting seeing the green bits floating around in the tube when I was taking a gravity reading.