One more post on the boiling of honey.
My advice re not boiling/skimming honey came from some Brewrats who had won the Mazer Cup, places in the NHC second round competition etc. Dedicated, knowledgeable meadmakers. Some of these guys would have 50 gallons of mead at various stages at any one time, plus lots more bottled!
Some leave a mead on the fruit for well over a year--meadmaking is not a quick process! Even without boiling the honey, they bottle mead so clear you can read a book through a 23L glass carboy of it!!! I cracked a stubby of my Apple Butter Cyser on Friday and did some tasting with my assistant at the shop. Brilliantly clear, at 3yo the aroma was redolant with the Leatherwood honey characteristics, and I had just dumped the honey into the fermenter! No sign of any infection either!
With a beer the honey aroma will hardly be noticed, you add it for honey flavor and you could add it to the wort immediately post-boil.
Jovial Monk