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Seriously, if you have wanted to try something like Oztops, or have but want to try to do it yourself you should try this.

I went to Bunnings and got a few cistern washers (only $1 each), that are the perfect size for fitting under a 2 or 3lt juice lid.
All I did was with a sharp knife put a very small slit in the rubber washer.

I went to the shops and bought my apple juice, apple and blackcurrent etc, and then drilled a small hole in the 2 lids and popped a washer with a cut slit in it under each juice lid.

All I do now is use these insetad of Oztops, and wash and sterilise and reuse all I want.

I buy my own yeast for my beer, so whenever I buy a kit I keep the packet yeasts in the fridge and just use a quarter of the packet of dry yeast into my bottle of juice, pop in a little honey or dex and put on my washer and lid with a hole in it (the washer fits snuggly inside the lid and gets a perfect seal). I still pour off a little of the juice for head space, but find I get activity within 24 hours at room temp, and ferment to a good level in 4 or 5 days, and the carbonation is great!

I find the packet beer yeast does not ferment as dry as a wine or champage yeast, it stays a little sweeter, and the rule of thumb I use is about 4 days gets you 4 to 5% alc vol, 5 days gets you about 5 to 6% and so on...not a perfect science but I have had no issues at all and it has made some great brews.

Total costs...
washer $1.00
3l juice $3.00
yeast nothing as I already had packet yeasts and I drop a little honey or dextrose in for added fermentation.

When ready, I pop in the fridge.

If I want I transfer it to PET bottles and add a little dex as primer, leave at room temp for another couple of days (you can feel the PET swell), then put in the fridge so I have 4*750m bottles from my 3l of juice.

Seriously, it tsates just as good as Oztops, and costs the price of the juice you use!

Try it, have some fun.
Bubba said:
Seriously, if you have wanted to try something like Oztops, or have but want to try to do it yourself you should try this.

I went to Bunnings and got a few cistern washers (only $1 each), that are the perfect size for fitting under a 2 or 3lt juice lid.
All I did was with a sharp knife put a very small slit in the rubber washer.

I went to the shops and bought my apple juice, apple and blackcurrent etc, and then drilled a small hole in the 2 lids and popped a washer with a cut slit in it under each juice lid.

All I do now is use these insetad of Oztops, and wash and sterilise and reuse all I want.

I buy my own yeast for my beer, so whenever I buy a kit I keep the packet yeasts in the fridge and just use a quarter of the packet of dry yeast into my bottle of juice, pop in a little honey or dex and put on my washer and lid with a hole in it (the washer fits snuggly inside the lid and gets a perfect seal). I still pour off a little of the juice for head space, but find I get activity within 24 hours at room temp, and ferment to a good level in 4 or 5 days, and the carbonation is great!

I find the packet beer yeast does not ferment as dry as a wine or champage yeast, it stays a little sweeter, and the rule of thumb I use is about 4 days gets you 4 to 5% alc vol, 5 days gets you about 5 to 6% and so on...not a perfect science but I have had no issues at all and it has made some great brews.

Total costs...
washer $1.00
3l juice $3.00
yeast nothing as I already had packet yeasts and I drop a little honey or dextrose in for added fermentation.

When ready, I pop in the fridge.

If I want I transfer it to PET bottles and add a little dex as primer, leave at room temp for another couple of days (you can feel the PET swell), then put in the fridge so I have 4*750m bottles from my 3l of juice.

Seriously, it tsates just as good as Oztops, and costs the price of the juice you use!

Try it, have some fun.
For sometime now I've been wanting to come up with my own DIY home made OzTops, just as you suggested. From reading your post, I can't quite figure out exactly what you've done. I don't know exactly what type of cistern washer you used, and how you cut it - what/how/angle, etc. Are they a solid disc of rubber, or a hole in the middle?


Also, exactly where did you drill the hole on the lid? Centre/off-centre? Size of the hole? Does air flow freely in/out of the lid, or only once pressure builds up? etc.

The main thing is, I want to ferment cider that has as much fizz as bottled cider (not just mildly carbonated), and to be as dry (if not drier) than Mercury Dry Cider - one of my favourites.

What I was thinking of doing is getting empty PET soft drink bottles and putting a silicone or (hopefully soft) rubber O-Ring around the neck of the bottle - just below the threads, but above the plastic collar that the lid seals against when done up tight.

Once the O-Ring is in place, I'd then do the lid up very,very lightly, with finger-strength only - not by gripping firmly.

Keeping in mind I want a high level of carbonation, but no exploding bottles, what can you suggest?
I've done this type of thing before, but with small squares of glad wrap and rubber bands over the top. Works well.
slcmorro said:
I've done this type of thing before, but with small squares of glad wrap and rubber bands over the top. Works well.
Thanks for the reply - much appreciated.

The only thing is, I want the home made airlock seal to hold a decent amount of pressure, so the cider carbonates as well as ferments.

Any ideas?