Hi Everyone,
long time lurker first time posting. I'm going to be getting into home brewing after building my taste for beer over the past year or two. I used to only drink Bourbon and that was it, then I had two kids and got yet another mortgage and bourbon got really expensive. Beer was cheap and I was drinking the cheapest (Hollandia from Mr Murphy). Anyway long story short I went to a friends 40th at Belgian Beer cafe in Melbourne and he gave me a Leffe Blonde to try and I loved it!!!
A little later on in the year at a Christmas party, the bar had Fat Yak and Mountain Goat pale ales on tap and I was hooked on the hoppy fruity stuff.
I've since done a UBrewIt with a mate and as it was his brew we did a Boags Premium and it turned out okay. I just keep getting more and more variety each time I visit the Bottle-o.
Beers I really like:
Fat Yak, Cricketers Arms Spearhead, Feral Hop Hog, 4 Pines Pale Ale, Leffe Blonde, Blue Moon, Gage Rd Atomic Pale Ale, James Squire Hop Thief, White Rabbit White Ale and Pale Ale, Sail and Anchor Pale Ale, VB (the new old recipe always pineapples going at my mates houses), I like a lot of Pale ale it seems, and I like most Dutch or Belgian beer I try.
Beers not too crash hot on:
Little Creatures Pale Ale, Oettinger, Lowenbrau, Carlton Draught, Melbourne Bitter, any Stout or dark beer.
Anyways after doing the UBrewIt I decided for my birthday that is what I wanted for my present, that was a few months back now and it's now manifested into me wanting to do it all from home instead. I've read a few books on the subject, watched hours of videos on Youtube and been reading on here and other forums a lot too. I'm here for all the help I can get

long time lurker first time posting. I'm going to be getting into home brewing after building my taste for beer over the past year or two. I used to only drink Bourbon and that was it, then I had two kids and got yet another mortgage and bourbon got really expensive. Beer was cheap and I was drinking the cheapest (Hollandia from Mr Murphy). Anyway long story short I went to a friends 40th at Belgian Beer cafe in Melbourne and he gave me a Leffe Blonde to try and I loved it!!!
A little later on in the year at a Christmas party, the bar had Fat Yak and Mountain Goat pale ales on tap and I was hooked on the hoppy fruity stuff.
I've since done a UBrewIt with a mate and as it was his brew we did a Boags Premium and it turned out okay. I just keep getting more and more variety each time I visit the Bottle-o.
Beers I really like:
Fat Yak, Cricketers Arms Spearhead, Feral Hop Hog, 4 Pines Pale Ale, Leffe Blonde, Blue Moon, Gage Rd Atomic Pale Ale, James Squire Hop Thief, White Rabbit White Ale and Pale Ale, Sail and Anchor Pale Ale, VB (the new old recipe always pineapples going at my mates houses), I like a lot of Pale ale it seems, and I like most Dutch or Belgian beer I try.
Beers not too crash hot on:
Little Creatures Pale Ale, Oettinger, Lowenbrau, Carlton Draught, Melbourne Bitter, any Stout or dark beer.
Anyways after doing the UBrewIt I decided for my birthday that is what I wanted for my present, that was a few months back now and it's now manifested into me wanting to do it all from home instead. I've read a few books on the subject, watched hours of videos on Youtube and been reading on here and other forums a lot too. I'm here for all the help I can get