I have to add my 2c typo this thread,
right or wrong on service / pruduct quality your first poort of call is to have the decency to allow the company to redeen itself in private before a public airing. to err is human to forgive devine.
This thread primarily raises the ongoing issue of oversight, of the lack of supervision of both courtesy & defamation.
Time afer time on AHB there are comments that are deeply abusive, insulting and offensive that to the vast majority of online forums would result in either temporary or permanent hiatus, the swear word in my signatiure is taken with poetic licence before I get a side swipe. A bit of respect is in order IMO, there are ways & means of addressing problems & an internet rant is by far an extreme avenue, questionably harsher than a court action. I'm not taking sides on this issue, just saying the Mods need to start getting the website in order & start monitoring the threads. You are not just talking to your buddy at a bbq here you are talking to the entire world.
If I swear lots can we close this thread.
Here I go....
Alcohol free days, abstenance, tea totteler, braumeister lol, vb is great etc etc.
Close tge thread.
Ok. But the OP has informally addressed the problem to the immediate representitive of the company being the bar staff, this was met with arrogance and rejected as an uninformed complaint. The OP then decided to make it more public and was once again met with arrogance from the manufacturer and rejected because all the other kegs at another venue were fine and recieved positive feedback. Not once has the company representative said they would look into as to why these beers were flat and missing the character that have been identified in other kegs from the same batch. I have had bad bottles from craft breweries and I am sure that it should not be disregarded that it is possible that a bad keg could be served and the same goes for a flat keg being served.I have to add my 2c typo this thread,
right or wrong on service / pruduct quality your first poort of call is to have the decency to allow the company to redeen itself in private before a public airing. to err is human to forgive devine.
This thread primarily raises the ongoing issue of oversight, of the lack of supervision of both courtesy & defamation.
Time afer time on AHB there are comments that are deeply abusive, insulting and offensive that to the vast majority of online forums would result in either temporary or permanent hiatus, the swear word in my signatiure is taken with poetic licence before I get a side swipe. A bit of respect is in order IMO, there are ways & means of addressing problems & an internet rant is by far an extreme avenue, questionably harsher than a court action. I'm not taking sides on this issue, just saying the Mods need to start getting the website in order & start monitoring the threads. You are not just talking to your buddy at a bbq here you are talking to the entire world.