Hoegaarden Grand Cru

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thought i would expand my taste buds and bought a couple of bottles. im drinking the first of them now but.....the thick sediment is rolling around crazily from all the bubbles. from the looks of it i would say it was infected, tastes alright though. can you tell me, is this normal? all these excessive bubbles and sediment? for the hefty price i paid im drinking it infected or not! lol.

cheers cozmo
It's normal for all the ones I've bought from the bottlo. It's a highly carbed beer, and yes it's naturally carbonated so that explains all the floaties.
thanks, i thought so, just curious, its a nice drop but not really worth the 7 bucks something i paid for it.
thanks, i thought so, just curious, its a nice drop but not really worth the 7 bucks something i paid for it.

Perhaps they were stored in less than perfect conditions? I love this beer. It's got sediment sure, but I don't think of it as highly carbed or filled with floaties.

It's a cloudy one and one best served at around 5 degrees, not ice cold.

I rate this as one of my all time fave commercial beers.
Hoegaarden Grand Cru is (IMNSHO) a great beer that I like to buy on occasion, if I can find it.

I don't remember it being full of sediment in the glass, though I usually take any bottle conditioned beer that I buy and leave it for at least a day or two before I drink it in order to let any sediment that might have been stirred up on the drive home settle out.

I bought one of these for myself on Friday night, carted it home from the bottlo - 'bump' 'bump' 'bump' - and popped it straight in the fridge. Poured about two hours later and the beer was very, very yeastie-bitsy. I would suggest they use a low-flocculating yeast that takes a long time to settle. Beautiful drop, though. Warms the soul.
Hoegaarden Grand Cru is (IMNSHO) a great beer that I like to buy on occasion, if I can find it.

I don't remember it being full of sediment in the glass, though I usually take any bottle conditioned beer that I buy and leave it for at least a day or two before I drink it in order to let any sediment that might have been stirred up on the drive home settle out.

Absolutely agree that letting it sit (upright) in the fridge for 24hours is optimum. Not that I always do, but minimum 4 hours is my rule and I will be drooling for it by then.
Interestingly I don't particularly rate their wit beer, but the Grand Cru....hand me one of those any time!
ok i admit it, it got tossed around in the car on the way home then sat in the fridge for a couple of hours before i drank them. it was a nice drop, but for half the price i think i will stick to the regular Hoegaarden, im still expanding my taste buds but reckon they both taste fairly similar. but hey, i will keep drinking anything i can get my hands on.
Absolutely agree that letting it sit (upright) in the fridge for 24hours is optimum. Not that I always do, but minimum 4 hours is my rule and I will be drooling for it by then.
Interestingly I don't particularly rate their wit beer, but the Grand Cru....hand me one of those any time!
I agree completely, their wit isn't that great for me, but the Grand Cru is something remarkable.

it was a nice drop, but for half the price i think i will stick to the regular Hoegaarden, im still expanding my taste buds but reckon they both taste fairly similar
Regular Hoegaarden as in the wit? If so they're completely different styles....
Also I agree with those who reckon the Grand Cru is loads better. Absolutely amazing stuff. The Forbidden Fruit is pretty decent too.
now i know im showing my ignorance, but there was a distinct taste that belonged to the two beers, i know ones a wit and the other a strong ale but to my virgin taste buds there was something in common. i will have to buy some more of each (shucks) and do a side by side tasting.
I'm not exactly sure what's in Grand Cru but that distinct taste could be wheat?
By the way, I heard that InBev have stopped making this? Anyone know if this is true? Disappointing if so.
its good stuff!i think of it as "beer champagne" cos of the way it goes to your head! :party: if left in the fridge for a couple of days it pours crystal clear.yum!
I'm not exactly sure what's in Grand Cru but that distinct taste could be wheat?

I would hazard a guess that the Grand Cru is nothing more than a high-gravity version of the standard Hoegaarden. The extra something in it, to me, is that warming alcohol sensation you get from it. (Taste and feel)