High Gravity Brewing - How much dilution is too much

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I have got myself a new 100L brew pot, primarily to do no fuss BIAB double batches, fermenting in 40L in 50L kegs.

Have a few occasions coming up and thinking of stretching my productivity and equipment on brew days by doing some post boil dilution and going for an 80L batch. Now if i get 50L of wort at 1.07 OG and dilute that to 80L i get 1.044 which is spot on for the recipe I want to brew. I am confident I can get 50L of 1.07 wort, however is diluting 50L wort to 30L of water going to affect body, head retention etc? Getting 60L would obviously be a better outcome and I could maybe get close to that, but would be pushing boil over limits i think.

What is a general acceptable amount that people dilute brews?

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