High Fg

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Hey guys,

So I have read threads with this title before and I've looked over the articles as well. Basically what I am looking for is a yes or no answer.

I brewed a coopers dark ale about 3 months ago ( can of coopers dark ale, 1kg dex, 1kg be1, dry hopped with 12 fuggles coopers yeast). FG on this batch was 1010. Great beer, probably one of my favorites for the ease and price and drinkability.

Anyway I made a second batch, did everything the same except added 200g brew booster and 800g dex plus the rest at used s-04 yeast.

Same temps same fermenter BUT my FG is 1020. I have raised the temp by a couple of degrees and it has been at 1020 for about a week now.

IS THIS BATCH SAFE TO BOTTLE.... I don't want to be maimed.
Somewhere in your reading you may have come across the fast ferment test. Do that.

Sorry, I don't give yes or no answers.