Hey guys, need some help choosing equipment!

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Hey lads and ladettes, the time is now to upgrade my existing home brewery. Money isn't too much of an issue, as long as its under $1300. The cheaper, the better obviously, but still want quality.

I was browsing around and read quite a bit about keggles, I think going a triple HERMS keggle setup would suit me best for now, and came across this.....

LINK: http://kegking.com.au/brewery-equipment/brewery-kits/3-vessel-herms-brewery-electric-unassembled-1222.html

I'm guessing you could do it a lot cheaper if you bought it bit by bit and you built it yourself from the parts you have accumulated over time, It attracts me because it comes with everything I need, no hassle whatsoever.

What would you guys do? If anyone could write down a parts list, or any rough ideas/ thoughts on what would work for around or under my budget of $1300. Also show me your setup and how much you have spent on it!

go for a grainfather. I dont have one but everyone i know with one says they are fantastic. A friend of mine built his own system (3V herms) from scratch and it came to around $1000. He lives building stuff though.

That kegking rig looks ok but i'd change the herms system. Too much thermal mass in the HLT to use as a HERMS. other than that keg king is known for producing absolute rubbish so if it was my dollars i'd spend them elsewhere.
Check out gear and equipment and scroll down to show us your brew rig . Lots of ideas all of 70 pages . I built my 3v herms total cost $700 . Not as bling as some but still makes beer .
ekul said:
go for a grainfather. I dont have one but everyone i know with one says they are fantastic. A friend of mine built his own system (3V herms) from scratch and it came to around $1000. He lives building stuff though.

That kegking rig looks ok but i'd change the herms system. Too much thermal mass in the HLT to use as a HERMS. other than that keg king is known for producing absolute rubbish so if it was my dollars i'd spend them elsewhere.
Hey mate thanks for the reply, not really after the Grainfather as I would rather brew 40-50L batches, what's given kegking a bad name? That kit seems to work out the cheapest, but I wont buy it if its gonna blow up a week later, if its just the elements that are shonky, I could just replace those.
So, what's your existing equipment and what are the shortcomings or problems with it that you feel need solving?
If it were me, I'd be looking to build it.. save a bundle and know the system inside out.

I did this

75L-100L system (final output)

HLT - 75L Pot minimum + Stick Element + LBP for recirculation (Picked up the pot cheap from here, Thanks Manticle) $70
Kettle - 120L Aluminium pot (Picked up cheap from here, Thanks Hendo) $90
MashTun - 75L esky + manifold (Thanks Ebay) $75
HEX - 5L Birko with home made copper coil. (Thanks Ebay and Bunners) $30 + 3m copper
March Pump (Picked up cheap from here, (Thanks Random dude) $70
Insulation - Clarke Rubber $100?

Total Cost Estimate $600 (ish)

I'd have to say, if I were to do my time again, the only thing I would change would be the MT and I'd go to 100L so I didn't have to run it so full to get to volume. I came from a keggle setup and they just aren't big enough... was OK when I was brewing every week but with kids now and a restricted brewing activity schedule, more bang for buck was required and 75-100L output does that for me.

RdeVjun said:
So, what's your existing equipment and what are the shortcomings or problems with it that you feel need solving?
Just a basic BIAB setup with a few SS pots over the stove, and ofcourse still some extract brewing here and there, no problems as of yet, but Im wanting to do larger batches, hence why I think the 58L keggles would suit me well, I'd prefer to go the electric route too as I will be in the shed. Cheers
Yob said:
If it were me, I'd be looking to build it.. save a bundle and know the system inside out.

I did this

75L-100L system (final output)

HLT - 75L Pot minimum + Stick Element + LBP for recirculation (Picked up the pot cheap from here, Thanks Manticle) $70
Kettle - 120L Aluminium pot (Picked up cheap from here, Thanks Hendo) $90
MashTun - 75L esky + manifold (Thanks Ebay) $75
HEX - 5L Birko with home made copper coil. (Thanks Ebay and Bunners) $30 + 3m copper
March Pump (Picked up cheap from here, (Thanks Random dude) $70
Insulation - Clarke Rubber $100?

Total Cost Estimate $600 (ish)

I'd have to say, if I were to do my time again, the only thing I would change would be the MT and I'd go to 100L so I didn't have to run it so full to get to volume. I came from a keggle setup and they just aren't big enough... was OK when I was brewing every week but with kids now and a restricted brewing activity schedule, more bang for buck was required and 75-100L output does that for me.

Awesome, thanks a heap for this reply! Do you mind me asking where and what type of heating elements you bought for your setup? I wont be going as large of a volume as you are, preferably 45-50L, but I would need to go the electrical route since ill be in the shed and gas just wouldn't be the safest option.

Do you recommend just buying all the parts that I need; Ball valves, pumps, elements and the used kegs? That would be the cheaper option I assume. Thanks in advance!
If you want to build ASAP you'll usually pay more. You can get pretty much everything you need from here or from eBay/gumtree, it'll just take longer but be much cheaper.

Buy your heating elements new.
Hop Date Brewing Co. said:
Awesome, thanks a heap for this reply! Do you mind me asking where and what type of heating elements you bought for your setup? I wont be going as large of a volume as you are, preferably 45-50L, but I would need to go the electrical route since ill be in the shed and gas just wouldn't be the safest option.

Do you recommend just buying all the parts that I need; Ball valves, pumps, elements and the used kegs? That would be the cheaper option I assume. Thanks in advance!
I use the much maligned keg king stick elements (mark 2's) but have a backup OTS just in case.

I forgot to add above I have a gas fired Kettle with a 4 ring burner and there is little of my rig that hasn't been replaced from the keggle days.

Other element manufacturers like 5 Star are much loved by members of the forum. I second what Mardoo says above, I had a working system so could take my time collecting gear. if you go that route, get a 70L pot and start with BIAB and then slowly add the extra bits and bobs as time / desire / funding allows.
some very good buying by Yob, FWIW a new pot of decent quality, the cheekypeak 100L single base pot is $235 delivered (to Melbourne). 2nd hand 3V systems are out there, but an electric one may be harder to come across, although you can retro fit elect into it I guess.

To buy new, I reckon my 100L 1V recirc with brauduino, 4800w worth of element/s, malt pipe, pump will cost around $1000, and I gotta upgrade the power in me shed too! Will start a build thread when I pull my finger out.

2nd hand stuff isn't as shiny however :)

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