Hi guys,
Looking for anyone thats used a hefe yeast in a non wheat beer before. I'm feeling like making a hefe style beer, I've got WLP 300 and a cube of pilsner based wort ready from the other brew day. Looking for a banana/clove style beer. Just wanted to know how much of the clove/banana flavours come from the actual use of wheat vs the yeast and underpitching/temperature control.
Looking for anyone thats used a hefe yeast in a non wheat beer before. I'm feeling like making a hefe style beer, I've got WLP 300 and a cube of pilsner based wort ready from the other brew day. Looking for a banana/clove style beer. Just wanted to know how much of the clove/banana flavours come from the actual use of wheat vs the yeast and underpitching/temperature control.