Hearing Loss - Hail The Mighty Ipod

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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Every 2 years I get my hearing checked and it's spot on (bulk billed). You sit in a Cone of Silence with headphones on and they do the BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP series at various frequencies...

I was talking to the tech - I work in an inbound contact centre and notice that when I log onto a station that has just been vacated by a Gen Y colleague (I'm 62) , the incoming volume is invariably cranked up to 10, so I have to wind it down to around 6.

I commute from Caboolture Station and every third person has "chinga chinga chinga chinga" going on their MP3 earbuds so loud you can make out the songs. They keep this up for the full hour.

Around 12,000 kids flood into the Valley on Fri and Sat to club and get their ears further punished.

Tech was telling me that a large proportion of the Gen Ys who get referred by their GPs already have the typical hearing of a 70 year old.

"speak up Sonny, I can't quite hear you " <_<

A slow motion train wreck happening - tip: buy shares in hearing aid companies :icon_cheers:
you're not suggesting a carbon tax equivalent on iphones and ipods are you.... :p
you're not suggesting a carbon tax equivalent on iphones and ipods are you.... :p

No, just health warnings on iPods like they do on cigarette packets B)

No, just health warnings on iPods like they do on cigarette packets B)
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Funnily enough when I worked in a help desk I had the wildest buildup of earwax on the eat I used for the headset. It would annoy the shite out of me.

Also wen speaking to phone customer service I still feel like I'm the consultant on the other end. I guess it's not so bad of a habit. Hopefully I aid in them getting 100's by hanging up prematurely before try have to deal with their 20 question closing spiels. :)
...and every third person has "chinga chinga chinga chinga" going on their MP3 earbuds so loud you can make out the songs.

That pisses me off. They fail to understand the meaning of "personal music device".
No, just health warnings on iPods like they do on cigarette packets B)

View attachment 47811
Yeah but health warnings are there to cover Apple's arse, no one pays attention.

For the record, I always turn my mp3'er down when I get on the train.... however it gets turned up again whenever it's pensioner week in town and the blue rinsers are out in force.
Geez that 60+ crowd don't know how to shut up... natter natter natter..... ;)
Noise cancellers are the way to go. You don't have to have them up too loud and people adjacent can't hear anything either. Saves the ears from too much volume and doesn't piss anyone off.
Do they actually work? I thought they were some sort of urban myth like the paperless office or the cloak of invisibility or full flavoured Lo Carb Blonde etc ?
Geez that 60+ crowd don't know how to shut up... natter natter natter..... ;)

You obviously haven't been on a train with the new crop of 20 something metrosexuals "Hey Jeremy" .... "Saw that Alistair dude and he was coming out of Colorado with .... " "noooo thats sooooo Retaaarded..... seen Jaiden's new hair? Massive 90s sooooooo retaaaarded.." yabba yabba yabba :p
Do they actually work? I thought they were some sort of urban myth like the paperless office or the cloak of invisibility or full flavoured Lo Carb Blonde etc ?

Cloak of invisibility works just fine. I'm wearing one right now and if you can see me, I'll give you an ipod and a $120 Voucher to Alistair's Unisex grooming salon.
Do they actually work? I thought they were some sort of urban myth like the paperless office or the cloak of invisibility or full flavoured Lo Carb Blonde etc ?
Depends which ones really... i have a couple of pairs. 1 just for the iPhone/iPod. They're like earplugs. whilst not totally noise cancelling, they cut alot of the ambient noise out and the sound is much better, hence lower volume required.

Like these;


The other pair are for at home when watching movies when everyone else is asleep or on the plane to cut some ambient noise bigger proper headphones. Very cumfy.

Like these;

good in-ear phones work a treat. Even better if you can splash on the moulded earpieces, those can block out next to anything! I think etymotic makes a not that earthshattering priced set with an option for moulded plugs.

PS: I really miss sitting on the train with a million voices yelling out to each other around me! Damn civillization. I just sort of miss the quietness of the noise and the firm sound feeling that no matter what you do, the time spent on the train can't be cut any shorter, no need to hurry. Gosh, I haven't had had a daytime nap in forever now!
I agree practical fool, reading the paper on the freeway is quite difficult. I used to get in hours of yinformative podcasts or the worthwhile bits of the paper on the train in the morning. I was always puzzled by people who don't utilise that time.
I agree practical fool, reading the paper on the freeway is quite difficult. I used to get in hours of yinformative podcasts or the worthwhile bits of the paper on the train in the morning. I was always puzzled by people who don't utilise that time.
True. I enjoy my quality time on the train. Go throught BCS or BYO mag again. Do some sudoku, read, sleep. It's great.
And the occasional nutter gives us all good stories for work.

Bose Noise cancelling headphones? Hell yeah they'd be awesome. However I don't think they'd survive my treatment.
Do they actually work? I thought they were some sort of urban myth like the paperless office or the cloak of invisibility or full flavoured Lo Carb Blonde etc ?

Yeah, active noise canceling 'phones are brilliant. The active ones have a mic that listens to the ambiant noise and the electronics invert the waveform and play it through the 'phones to cancel it out. They work best with constant noise sources like jet engines or politicians, though.

Passive ones just block your ears but I find them effective nonetheless.