Hbs Misinformation

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pointing something out is one thing, making someone out to be a liar and a cheat is another , perhaps the original poster would have better served the HB community by contacting the shop in question and discussing with them the statement be it right or wrong , rather than shoot the place down in flames on here ....

I didn't find MAH's post to be particularly harsh tbh. It is that sort of misinformation, intended or not, that puts people off LHBSs around here. I think it is a bit ott to claim he made them out to be liars and cheats.
I reckon a quick phone call to see if they stand by the information would have been better than posting on here, that way you could put your point of view to the retailer. The guys have been there for 6 months & in that time may have changed their views as they learn more about the business. I was in there yesterday & the English Pale Ale I was offered was very nice. They have been running a few demo's & are making a go of things.

Sorry, but I think the 'duty of care' when it comes to checking information is on the person who publishes it.

Turning it round and making it the OP's (or anyone else's) job to somehow investigate the claims and have a quiet word with the shop owners before commenting is twaddle. If you publish 'facts' on your commercial website that turn out to be false then you are fair game for any criticism that arises.

I'm not a fan of bagging anyone on a public forum necessarily, but it is first and foremost a forum for home brewers and the folk who use it are entitled to air their opinions. Nobody thinks the OP is some sort of 'voice of god' whose word goes without question, we are intelligent enough to form our own opinion on the comment and either agree or disagree with it. We're also free to post comments in support of the shop. That's how forums work.

However I intensely dislike the aggression that we seem to get whenever anyone criticises a HBS's products or service though. Maybe the industry should look at lifting its game rather than bullying those who choose to air negative opinions. If those that have criticisms are being unreasonable, don't you think the rest of us would figure that out?

The shop in question may be excellent, and the guys who run it may be great blokes, but their website contains false information and we should be free to discuss that, regardless of how uncomfortable that may make them or other retailers.
I think it is fair to point out misinformation regardless of whether it is intentional or whether the hbs owners are good blokes or not.

I agree, and lets get it straight here, it's the HBS's responsibility to get the facts right if they are going to make such a definitive statement. They may be learning still, but as the old saying goes 'know your stuff or keep quiet". There's no room for people adding mis-information to this hobby, and the statement they made leads less informed people to believe that they may be getting duped at their local. That's quite simply not on, doesn't matter how nice they are.
MAH hasn't breached any ettiquette here, nor does he have a responsibility to spend his $$$ to ring the HBS and correct them. This is a discussion forum, where we discuss the good the bad and the ugly. No need to get stuck into MAH for raising his eyebrows at a quite clearly incorrect statement and sharing it with us.
I think it is fair to point out misinformation regardless of whether it is intentional or whether the hbs owners are good blokes or not.

Definitely agree. :super:

In fact, the post has probably helped the HBS no end. I did send him an email. He responded very well, I thought, and has taken that point off the site. From his reply, it appears (as bigfridge suggested) that the misinformation has come from his hop supplier. I'd be very, very surprised if they don't really know that hop plugs can be imported. :blink:
but they prolly just cut n pasted the information given to them and put it on their site?


Stu - beat me to it. They just supplied info given to them.
it appears (as bigfridge suggested) that the misinformation has come from his hop supplier.

Did you get the name of the supplier? Perhaps a public burning is in order? :p :D :D
Did you get the name of the supplier? Perhaps a public burning is in order?

Burn them, burn the witch hop dealer. :huh:

No, no names. Maybe try to find out next time I go there though. Can you name names, bigfridge? :lol: ;)
Fair cop, they've been stuck with some bad info from suppliers. It doesn't appear they're trying to deliberately obfuscate their position for financial gain.

As the erronous data has been brought to their attention through this site, personally speaking a brief post on the thread would clear things up and salvage their rep.

edit: spelling

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