That's very Web 1.0 thinking, Dave.Which makes you a thief.
Of sorts.
I only had 2 sessions done (wife's a cosmetic nurse), but IPL dramatically reduced my ingrown hairs. Wasn't the most pleasant experience but it works!I'll out-smug your smugness with a much better way of avoiding all those things and the time and effort required to shave every day.
I only had 2 sessions done (wife's a cosmetic nurse), but IPL dramatically reduced my ingroin hairs. Wasn't the most pleasant experience but it works!
That's very Web 1.0 thinking, Dave.
I'm doing an ethics subject at uni this semester (ACS makes this compulsory for any uni that wants accreditation for their IT programs) and I keep getting told it would be wrong for uni to black-list Youtube and Facebook on the uni network because you people expect to be able to be connected at all times.
How did we get any work done before the internet?
Correction to my post above: "you people" should be "young people".