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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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What an awesome promotional idea.
Home sick Kiwis getting their Speights delivered from Dunedin to London (via some stopovers).

Great Beer Delivery Website

Question time with James.

Remember Tim?
Hes the guy in the UK who sparked all this off. Well his mate James was the first to stick his hand up for the mission. He and Tim go way back and there was no way that James was going to leave a mate in distress on the other side of the world.
Being a Project Manager type, James has been working with us here at Speights to suss out some of the details of the journey.

Are you REALLY taking a pub all the way to London?




How do you plan to do that?
Were going to chuck it on the back of a boat, and head up to London via Samoa, Panama, the Bahamas, New York and then across the Atlantic.

How long will it take?
We've done some calculations and figure that its going to take quite a while to get the pub to London. About 10 weeks, give or take.

When are you leaving?
Hopefully late July, cunningly timed so well get there during the World Cup. You beauty.

Sounds good. Do you need a hand?
Hell yeah. Im going to need 3 good keen crew to help me get the job done.

Whats my end of the bargain?
Mostly youll need to concentrate on being a good *******, and making sure the beer gets to London we cant let the team down.
Other than that, the guys at Speights want you to tell them each day about the adventures youre having. Theyll put all that stuff on the website so that our mates at home and in the UK can follow the journey (and keep a close eye on the precious Speights were delivering). Maybe well get some coverage on telly too.

What happens at the end of the trip?
Dont worry, the team at Speights wont leave us stranded in the UK unless of course you want them to. Theyll fly you back to godzone, or give you some cash to kick-start your OE.
And of course how does the idea of some free Speights sound?

How do I apply?
If this mad enterprise sounds like a bit of you, fill out the registration form and the team from Speights will be in touch.

Damm I'd love to be a part of this.

Checkout the videos on the My Space page here as well as the progress on building the pub.

SPEIGHTS has 1 friends. :blink:

a different marketing idea, i guess. they just going to drive it around uk on back of a truck ?
Yeah, I think the marketing hasn't kicked in yet (or the My Space site is new) because the visitor levels were still low at lunch today.

Hot DAMN!! Where do I apply?? Wonder if the missus would miss me for a few months?
Hot DAMN!! Where do I apply?? Wonder if the missus would miss me for a few months?

Showed my wife tonight, and she thinks I should apply.
I said what if I get through. She said we'll deal with that if it happens.


So you gonna? I'm thinking about it just for the hell of it....God that'd be a laugh. 10 weeks....that's enough to get a few brews in too, sneak a brewery onboard....:) be the only one that can say that you made a beer whilst drinking a speights, in a floating Speights Ale House, on the way past the Bahamas.......the possibilities are just too great to miss the chance, might have to chuck my name in the hat. like EVERY OTHER kiwi on the ^$%& planet!!! :lol:
Go for it, Doc.

Would be a great opportunity to plaster the Old Dart with a million AHB stickers (custom-printed for our marketing machine).

Best of luck.

I'll be happy to send Trent to entertain your young bloke every second weekend, while ur away.

Seth :p
You can buy Speights at plenty of places in London

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