Go to the doc, get a prescription for allopurinol - problem solved.
You, like I, have a genetic disposition to metabolic arthritis, it's not our fault so why should we be denied the fruits of our labours?
I agree, I am fit and healthy, I cycle to work daily, I go to the gym 3 times a week, I only drink on weekends and I am not overweight and I eat healthily (no sweetbreads, lots of white meat, fish, etc) however I am prone to Gout attacks. After numerous visits to the Dr he concludes I just have high natural Uric acid (I am usually recording high 40's in the 0-49 normal range). I never wanted to have to take a medication ongoing but last year I finally gave in and I've been taking allopurinol daily since, I have not noticed any side effects and I have not had Gout since.
Go see your Dr and discuss with him.