Weizguy said:
Would have suggested a sour mash (really? - he he) of about 150g :lol:
That's what I did with my latest Wit, although it fermented too warm and WLP401 (IIRC, Wit II) makes plenty of phenolics at this temp. May be OK when chilled right down, and served in a Hoegaarden glass, of course.
Best of luck, for sure.</chopped>
Hijack? hope not, just two stories in one. A reply/addendum to the above, and the reply to a later post from Doc. See below, after this reply.
re my Hoegaarden clone. It has turned out to be quite phenolic, but I'm enjoying it (chilled & in a Hoegaarden glass).The phenolics are strong, yet balanced with the coriander and the sourness and the tart wheatiness, riding on a bed of lingering sweetness that inevitably gives rise to a dry aftertaste due to the acidity. Quite a challenging, yet rewarding beer.
Perhaps U can come to luv ur beer too, in time. Maybe it just needs age to mellow it.
I hesitate to mention, but did U stick to 1/3 cup salt? This was the benchmark proclaimed by BYO mag. Could U have used a dud/ incorrect measuring cup?
Did U take the advice to test your limits with a 1 litre test solution of salt? They recommend adding 1/4 tsp at a time until U reach your limit.
No disrespect. Hopefully I'm assisting your troubleshooting of the problem, if (after aging) it turns out to be an undrinkable beer. Bad beers sometimes happen to good peple, and we need an occasional reminder of that fact.
I've had bad beer. So bad U can't drink it. Sometimes, so bad that the aroma of acetone is unpleasant, to point of scoured sinuses. It's all in the spirit of experimentation. You learn from each mistake. Sometimes, unfortunately, only after the mistake is repeated.
Doc said:
<chopped><he is a salty old dog.
Going out on a limb and hoping that it may be more palletable at a lower temp, or blended with something else. Looking like the second fermenter is going down the drain though.</chopped>
<chopped> the other 23 litres still sitting in the fermenter is looking like lawn food.</chopped>
Please don't pour it on the lawn. If there is enough salt, it will kill the lawn. Not a happy situation. Marital bliss might be in jeopardy.
As mentioned above, U should test your salt tolerance. Maybe Horst Dornbusch's tolerance is elevated by consuming mass quantities of salty (and smoky) Bavarian pork products.
BTW, did I ever mention that I could quite imagine a retirement in the Bavarian alps, with a large mug of fresh fruit juice in weizenbier with breakfast each day... Oh, and the view from the lodge balcony
Seth the proselytizer and zymocenosilicaphobic scientist