Gold Coast Beer Tasting - Fnq Bunyip Is In Town

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FNQBunyip is coming to the Gold Coast this Monday about 4:30pm. He can't have a big one so I thought it would be a top opportunity for us Gold Coasters to get together for a beer tasting (not a session).

Bunyip will be down at around 4:30 so if you can bring 1 bottle of something, even a good quality commercial brew, around to my place after work on Monday, then put your name down here.

Bunyip and I will probably have a feed afterwards in Surfers and of course, anyone is welcome to come. (vjval and Zizzle, bring your girlfriends - lol!)

so I thought it would be a top opportunity for us Gold Coasters to get together for a beer tasting (not a session).

:D a quick drink with Pat :D classic... sounds like it could be a top evening...
LOL Rossco!

I've just emailed or PMed the Gold Coast guys - the whole 5 of them!

Everyone better turn up or Ned and I will have to go to Hollywood Showgirls instead :eek:
Hay you never mentioned SHOWGIRLS befor ....

I've been in the north a loooong time . :)

See you monday arvo ..
Yep, should be able to make it. Don't know about Yo since it's busy season at Uni.
Hay you never mentioned SHOWGIRLS befor ....

I've been in the north a loooong time . :)

Looks like Ned and I have serious business to attend to after the tasting :blink:

So far, AussieClaret, OldDog, Zizzle and vjval1974 are dropping in.

If possible maybe bring 2x750ml each as 1 bottle split 6 or more ways probably won't give enough of a taste. Don't worry if you can only do one though.

Look forward to seeing everyone,

P.S. Very dissapointed about Yo Zizzle <_<
Forgot the beer, will have to pop home to pick them up, will be bringing 4, American Brown, Pale Ale, Pilsner, and Golden ale.

LOL sjc!

After you left AC, vj and Zizzle stayed on for a while draining bottles and kegs. Not sure what they were talking about as I was flat out fantasising about their girlgfriend's imaginary older sisters. Ha!

Looks like Zizzle and I are going to go BIABing around at vj's in a few weeks. Cool!

As for Ned and I, we had a few more quick drinks until 1:30am and then were up at 6. Friggin' hell! We had a great yarn though. After about 2 kegs we even worked out we used to hang around the same area in the Blue Mountains. I also, quite cleverly I must say, didn't feed him until after midnight. That way he woke up so full, I didn't have to make him breakfast - lol.

Ned's a top bloke and we seriously have to put a lot of pressure on him to come down for the Swap! In the meantime Ned, safe travels mate.

You guys brought around some bloody top beer and a lot of it! Thanks for that. I found it a pretty interesting tasting actually. Next time I'm taking notes. I have no idea what was what now though there were several I'd like to brew. (Brad, I have your bottle cooler thing too.)

Thanks a heap guys for travelling out of your way on a school night too.

I'm sick of writing now and am going to have a couple of hours sleep.

Spot ya,

P.S. Call you about 7:45 sjc if that's OK. Zzzzzzzz.
LOL sjc!

After you left AC, vj and Zizzle stayed on for a while draining bottles and kegs. Not sure what they were talking about as I was flat out fantasising about their girlgfriend's imaginary older sisters. Ha!

Looks like Zizzle and I are going to go BIABing around at vj's in a few weeks. Cool!

As for Ned and I, we had a few more quick drinks until 1:30am and then were up at 6. Friggin' hell! We had a great yarn though. After about 2 kegs we even worked out we used to hang around the same area in the Blue Mountains. I also, quite cleverly I must say, didn't feed him until after midnight. That way he woke up so full, I didn't have to make him breakfast - lol.

Ned's a top bloke and we seriously have to put a lot of pressure on him to come down for the Swap! In the meantime Ned, safe travels mate.

You guys brought around some bloody top beer and a lot of it! Thanks for that. I found it a pretty interesting tasting actually. Next time I'm taking notes. I have no idea what was what now though there were several I'd like to brew. (Brad, I have your bottle cooler thing too.)

Thanks a heap guys for travelling out of your way on a school night too.

I'm sick of writing now and am going to have a couple of hours sleep.

Spot ya,

P.S. Call you about 7:45 sjc if that's OK. Zzzzzzzz.
Hi Pat
that would be fine.
thanks for letting everyone catch up at your place.
a good afternoon, all be it a short one for me, and great to meet the boys.

cheers old dog
Great to see you as always Old Dog even if you were wearing funny clothes. Camera's coming out next time. ;)

Great beer from you as well. That 56 versus SO4 had everyone blown away. The hopheads preferred the sharpness of 56 while Matt and I, out-numbered as usual, found the SO4 to be smoother. I was pleased to see this as I have a few packets that I haven't known what to do with.

Looking forward to Indy when you won't be on the bike!

Hi guys, Wow , Thanks for the tastings. The 56/04 comparison was amazing ..You read about the diferant efects of yeasts but I must say I have never really belived it was that much of a differance... It was great to meat you guys and put a few faces to names.
I feel sooo isolated up this way with out any brewers up here to swap and share my experiances with. Thank god for AHB .
It was very good of you all to come out on a work night Thanks .

Pat , Thanks mate , A great night and bloody awsome hospatality. one day you will make it north and I can retrun the faviour.. My week in Chinchilla went well and I have retruned home with a 3ton renter truck . 19 hrs straight drive. arived yesterday mid morn. Today I will have my first taste of my first BIAB the ESB.. cant wait .. and unload all this stuff that I brought up with me.. The truck is dew back monday morning @ browns plains. Not to sure just when I will jump in and head south. maybe and just maybe I will be back in briz by saturday lunch time ... who knows .... ..
Thanks again ...

Workin on the missus for the swap.. if I can squeze in..

Cheers guys Thanks
"Workin on the missus for the swap.. if I can squeze in.. "

Now that would be a story FNQ????????? :p
Marathon effort with that move there Ned. Did you work out how many kms you are doing all up?

Down to the coast for indy saturday night? Kick someone out of Pat's place and crash there. :D

Don't hold back with the BIAB review.
maybe and just maybe I will be back in briz by saturday lunch time ... who knows .... ..
Thanks again ...

Workin on the missus for the swap.. if I can squeze in..

Ned, you have a bed/floor/couch here waiting on Saturday night - be in it! Good to have you back mate and I really think that if you're in Brissy on Saturday you better come down here. It'd be pretty rude not to - lol. Most people are joining us Sat night anyway. You might even be able to get a lift down. There's certainly one back for you on Sunday.

You also better make the swap (Sqyre will take up to 30 visitors - good on him!) but don't bring any beer - too hard from up there. Just taste 25 or so on the night ;)

Zizzle - hope your going to be there on Sat night to greet Ned!

Spot ya,
Marathon effort with that move there Ned. Did you work out how many kms you are doing all up?

I retruned the truck to Briz airport Sat 15:45 with exactly 3800km on the clock. not a bad week behind the wheel .

I'll be haveing a few days home drinking this ESB , that is great . and then on thursday myself and 6 or so mates are going of to the Palmer river gold fields for a boys in the bush long weekend , shooting shit (pigs)and haveing a scratch around the old gold mining town of Maytown. This is an anual event for us and a great break from the rain forest and rain..
