Gods Country

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As you must brew, so you must drink
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This is a thread i'm going to regret starting Monday morning but so far my punutauation is well not too bad.
Anyway here in Newcastle on a Sunday arvo, sitting around the pool sipping on a (Doc's ) Abby's Dubbel, (Barrys) Choc Porter, a Duvel Clone, and a Old Speckled Hen clone and I think I had an ESB clone too, does it get any better. Now I am quite smashed I guess I could just ask what did u guys do Sunday arvo and where did u do it?
I am still thinking about this Keg setop and now I have approvel from SHMBO Its all systems go.
So how was your weekend and what did u drink?

A very smashed
Having fun there, Steve. :party:

I'm actually at my desk, trying to work, :unsure: but distracting myself reading about people have fun with beer. Makes the day pass much better, but means I get little done. :rolleyes:

Certainly sounds like you are drinking some nice beers there. Enjoy. :chug:

Surely the Mrs wont appreciate being called a She He :lol:
Glad you are having fun, I made a dry stout in the morning, then went for a surf (very small waves, but too nice a day to not go out), and am now watching the footy with Stephen's Belhaven Export from the July swap.
Speaking of footy, anyone else notice the Thurston pass just before halftime that led to a try? He passed it about 50cm behind the 10m line, and Williams caught it at about the 7m line (if there were such a thing). Dont think I have ever seen a more blatant forward pass not get picked up ('cept maybe that Roosters one from 2 or 3 years back).
Anyway, you should be asleep by about now, so hope ya had fun :super:
EDIT - You called your thread "gods country", and that sounds like what all the Caves Beach boys I worked with on the council called their area. Not from that neck of the woods by any chance?

EDIT #2 - Just read you are from Cameron Park. Scratch that last one.
Friday - Hefeweizen night including commercial examples, including some from Jye's trip to Munich, and home brewed versions too. Not to mention other tasty home brews as well...

Saturday - Made a very nice English bitter, at least the hydrometer samples were tasty so here's hoping...

A few beers but nothing to large after Friday :)

Sunday - scored a bunch of glasses at the market so "tested" them with some bottles from the beer shelves...
lucky buggers, I just changed the front shocks (Macpherson struts to be exact) on my '94 camry. I guess my rewards are driving to work each day.

I am now enjoying a hard earned coffee and some scones the missus jsut knocked up with whipped cream and home made raspberry jam.

Geez, I sound like an old fart!
Spent the arvo, up here in Gods country ( Nth Coast ) brewing beer and planting vegies
Steveo - sounds wicked mate.

I have spent the late arvo recovering from an absolutely hellish hangover (3.30am, post Rugby shenanagons). This included mulching a heap of small trees and branches and planting some shrubbary.

Contemplating a pilsner - I'll probably feel better for it. Is that bad??

Cheers - Mike
Friday night, local sports club for dinner and winning a couple of meat trays.
Sat night, bbq at my joint with extened family before watching the AB's whack on the points against Portugal.
Sun. Huge lunch at the Hubertus Club with extended family. Big pork knuckle, Schofferhofer, Erdinger ........
Just watched the Warriors get belted :(

Friday night I did sound for Ash Phoenix at the Annandale and watched Bushido and Dead Letter Circus... drank alot of coopers.

Saturday I had the dirtiest farts and did sound and lights for Genedefect, Superb Lyrebird, Clock Doctor and another trippy band at the Jolly Frog in Windsor, nothing but swill to drink so I had water! Then watched some poor pissed guy get the crap beat out of him before the bouncers came to the rescue.

Today I just kicked back, had the last of my hoppy brown ale, some red ale and some barrons wattle seed ale.
Yesterday i spent the day on the Peppermint Bay 2, Hobarts best catarmeran, down the derwent, then down the channel to peppermint bay for lunch, it was a fathers day present for me and my dad, my wifes dad and my son..........Bloody great day, lots of Cascade Draught and good food......

Today, went into the city and bought some pieces for my BBQ, looked for a relay board at Dick Smith for my Brewery(found one at jaycar), and ended up at my mate Micks place for a Kit brew of his(Coopers real ale) and a bottle of my stout and a bottle of my pilsner....GEEZ i hate kit beers, sorry guys.....once you AG, theres no turning back......

Now i'm heading back to the BBQ to remove a nicely cooked loin of pork and some baked spuds to enjoy with my extremely nice Pilsner.....

Gee lifes Hard.......

got pissed on my doppelbock friday night,to scared to drink on saturday night, brought the missus a $500 digital camera today so i could tell her i ordered a $600 didgeridoo on friday night,was getting fairly pissed on the doppelbock again today but im having a rest now. Geez it creeps up on you :lol:


now im thinking of some fatty foods to order for dinner :) pizza maybe ....
Very off-topic I'm sure deckedoutdaz but as you know from my earlier PM to you, I love your avatar.
As they all say --- Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :)

So as this thread is Titled 'Gods Country', it sounds wonderful that you all made if down to The Shire .... yes the Sutherland Shire ..... Gods Country from the time that some dimwit called COOK stumbled across this little bay with lots of Botanical goodness.

Keeping on thread, I was south of Gods Country, enjoying Porter at PoMo's convincing him that 100 gms of mixed hops will taste SWEET in an APA at whirlpool....

What you dont like hops???

I hate that much that I only put 180gms in my Saaz Pale Ale... :ph34r:
As far as I'm concerned, Australia is all God's country. At least until the weather gets hot, then it's time-share with the other bloke (with the horns and red suit).

Kickin' back in God's swampland right now. About to have my second (or is it my first) for the weekend. Had a head cold starting on Thursday, and decided to get plenty of fluids on Friday and didn't feel much like beer.
Went out last night to a pub for a girl (from work)'s birthday. Hmmm, megaswill combined with dancing to a dodgy piano bar dude. Didn't drink anything. Not intoxicated enough to dance, and no chance of a conversation, so that ended after about 15 minutes (although I had to wait 15 min for anyone to arrive, so I suppose I can take credit for sticking it out for 1/2 hour).

Tonight - back in the swing. Just about to grab 1/2 litre of my first kegged kolsch off the tap, then into Barra's "Boisterous Bellhop" from the NSW July 2007 case swap. Then I have also chilled Stephen's Belhaven Export and Nifty's ESB. If I'm still thirsty, I have a Kozel pilsner (commercial) and a bottle of my 2007 Saison.

To keep me going, there's gonna be a delicious steak burger with hot Chilli sauce.

'Twas ever thus.
Seth out (...and maybe some reviews of the beers too) :p
I went to a piss up on Friday night- drank goon, carlton cold and carlton draught, schlepped around n went shopping Saturday, then Saturday night had a ripper at Ska vs Rockabilly, drinking VBs & Carlton Draught, today visited people in town....tonight I'm shagged n gotta get up for work at 4:40 *boo hoo*
Mowed the lawn, attended a 4 year olds birthday party, then came home & tidied up the garage.

yeah, working weekends sucks!!!

work about four hours this morning, come home and mow the lawn, defrost the fridge, rearrange the pantry, and only one beer at dinner. a very hoppy pils.

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