Gluten free stout recipe

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Nick Masters

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Anyone have any gluten free stout recipes and what dry hops would be the best?
Extract or all grain? You could start with sorghum extract but I have no idea what is available for all grain brewing. You might need to sprout some maize or something.

What sort of grains are available for steeping to give the desired colour? Roast barley has been charred to f*ck, does it still contain gluten?

Hops: Columbus.

Yeast: Wy1318 or Notto.
Thanks mate. Was planning extract using sorghum or rice malt syrup. Would I just use normal sugar or would I need something like dark candy sugar (whatever that is) if you have any tips RE how long to boil hops, whether to use corn syrup etc that would be great
Corn syrup would be the same as dextrose as far as I know. It is just a simple sugar that will ferment and provide alcohol without providing any body. Big W has it for $4 a kilo. Some brew shops have it cheaper.

You could steep about 500 grams of rolled oats for body and mouthfeel. Normally you would also steep 300-500 grams of roast barley and maybe 100-200 grams of dark crystal. But you're not going to be able to do that because they contain gluten. You could try roasting some oats or corn or something like that, but it might not turn out too good if you don't know what you're doing and it might take a few goes to get it right.

Dark candy syrup would be an option but is very expensive. You could probably easily make some by heating some sorghum extract in a pan on the stove. There are no doubt countless tutorials online for that sort of thing. Sugar caramelised in that way will give you a different flavour than using a roasted grain.

For boiling hops, recipe tips and more information on the process, I suggest looking up John Palmer's online book 'How to Brew'. It is free.

Have you tried Clarity Ferm from white labs? It's an additive that you add to beer at yeast pitch that reduces the gluten content during fermentation.
Yes it sounds like BS but I made a RIS for a mate who couldn't drink regular beer and he had no problems with a RIS. We chose a big beer so there would be heaps of gluten in it.