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A picture may be worth a thousand words, and many thanks to the AHB brewers who post pics when I ask questions. Awesome! What could take pages of typing and reading comes down to a few pics from a digital camera.

Now the next step.. meet the man behind the avatar.

Most brewers will be more than happy to show you their setup and talk hops/shop for hours.
You'll learn more about HB and AG then you did from the last 6 months in front of your irradiator.
You'll also meet some top people with a real passion and a few (free) beers to sample as well. (take some of yours around too!) (no extract brews thanks ;) )

I've met a load of AHB SA brewers in person and tasted their beers (and vinegar) and learned a sh!t load with every meet.
Had a long chat the other day with a QLD brewer who also seems to be a top sort. Amazing who you meet on AHB.

Keep up the good work brewers.
Now go pour an ABH'er a beer.
If you're ever in the neighbourhood you're free to pop in if you want and have a chat; I give one rule for everyone though- if you come to my house to drink my HB, make sure I'm home :p
I had an hour or so with Duff last Saturday - a gentleman and a scholar in every aspect.

It's true, seeing an AG in action makes all the pieces come together, the only bit I need to see now is the sparge - the rest of it makes perfect sense.

Get out there and have a look - demistifying the dark art.

Cheers - Mike
who's the good looker from QLD.... :eek:
it must be :wub:
do tell......
QUOTE(tangent @ Jun 1 2006, 08:41 PM)

(no extract brews thanks (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) )

Oh Tangent.

You snob!.......
:) i knew that'd get a response

Kong, i'll just say my hopsock and hops arrived extra quick ;)
(great service too!)
Just want to thank WeeStu for demonstrating his whirlpooling and "losing things" techniques yesterday. "Where the f^c& is my pipette/spoon/etc.?"
Answered a lot of questions just by watching him do a brew. Well, 2 brews actually. Industrious!
Great to see GMK and SteveSA as well.
Quite a quaffable American Wheat on offer which was gladly accepted :)

Meet more brewers!
Just to mention it was great to meet tangent and then Wee Stu the other week.

Its always great to catch up with other brewers and hear and taste what they are doing, my ag experience is limited and dont always get the chance to venture out with a 17month old girl and a wife working shift work so its just a great chance to learn.

thanks to you both

Just want to thank WeeStu for demonstrating his "losing things" techniques yesterday.

I have never claimed to be a very well organised brewer :D

Worst thing though was losing 2 litres of wort at the end of the day, when the sun had long set and no one else was around :( Just forget everything I said about how good snap lock fermenter taps are :eek:

Anyway, it'll teach me to enjoy company and break my cardinal rule of brewing, no beer until the very last hop addition!
Just forget everything I said about how good snap lock fermenter taps are
i told you i don't trust those taps (after i had a little swimming pool of beer in the fridge)

break my cardinal rule of brewing, no beer until the very last hop addition!
and miss 1/2 a day of drinking? Your BAC wouldn't have effected the tap design quality.

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