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Gday everyone. I'm glad to be a newbie on here. I've googled heaps of stuff and ended up at AHB, so I joined up. It said on rego that it'd take 10 minutes and I could do the luminosty challenge. I thought "luminosity this" and went and had a beer. I hope that's ok?
Anyway, I've done a few extract brews recently (did the coopers thing 25 years ago as well) and getting right back into it.
I'm not sure if I should start new threads, but I'll just spit it out now.
I'd like to do some all grain small batch bag brewing. I have a small 11 litre fermenter and would like to try some recipes. Now I'm a member I'll start looking on the forum, but if anyone has some pointers, that'd be great. I do have a 23 litre fermenter too, but just want to try some things out.
I've read about SMaSH on the net. Do we do that here and call it that?
I had a Rocket Science Mad Hatter Ale last night and would love to make something like that. I suppose it's a pretty typical American IPA big beer (6.6%), but it was really good. Anyone know it and how to approximate it?
Look, I'm very keen to brew some beer, and have all sorts of ideas. What I've found is I don't really need 45 Grolsch bottles full of stuff l don't like that much. ( l did some povo beer just to see how it was) but the reality is I'm homebrewing coz I love drinking beer but don't want to pay lots of money for it. That Mad Hatter I had was $8 a 330ml glass! So, yes, I'm tight. But l think l can get good beer for $2/litre?
Anyway, as I said, glad to be a member here. Please help me if you can, or just Gaffaw loudly at me.
It's all good.
Hey Yob,
Thanks for that link, but I think Plant Disease may be a bit forward-on from my level at the moment???
Thanks mate! Rockin!
I know what'll be keeping me awake tonight!
Jazzman said:
What's 3V?
3 veg? No meat?
Nah mate, 3V is short hand for 3 vessel brew rig. It (usually) comprises of a hot liquor tank, mash lauter tun and boil kettle. It is one way of brewing all grain (and how I do it), but certainly not the only or the best.

Welcome aboard mate. If you head down the grain route you won't regret it (although your other half might).

Jazzman said:
But l think l can get good beer for $2/litre?
You can get under that easily... But it can be a long road of upgrades, or, it can stay really cheap and simple.

Maybe someone can link the 2 pot stovetop from LRG?

He uses 2 bigW pots, ghetto but full volume brewing.

That's great, Yob. Thanks!
JD, I just showed my wife your post. Got a slight groan and eyeroll ! Winning!
Why does it tell me its 11.43am? **** I'm REALLY late for work!
Hey Jazzman where in newy are you? I'm building up a 1v you might be interested in seeing.

Welcome to sit in on a brew one time
Hi Moad,
I'm in Kotara near Grinsell St/Carnley Ave.
I'd love to do that!
Oh dear. Jazzman, have you considered joining the Hunter United Brewers? We meet at Hamilton North Bowlo (around the corner from the Sunnyside in Georgetown), every third Friday of the month.(Calendar on Facebook HUB site).
We have tastings of various styles and we are judging a comp in conjunction with the Newcastle Show.
There is a membership fee, but you can discuss that if you see value in joining.

Join in. Our networking is great and you will likely improve your beer as a result.

As for me, I will be trying to attend most meetings this year, and hope to see you there.
I work near where you live (nr Westfield Kotara), and live in Medowie, with a number of other brewers.

Well done Moad. Great camaraderie there!
Les as you know I have been trying to get to hub meetings for ages, this month is the one!

Jazzman I'm just over the hill in elermore vale, brewing Saturday but it's a bit of a special occasion with a mate I haven't seen for years . Will let you know next time, prob 3 weeks after.
yep, got that from b&t, very friendly bunch . Just mean I always seem to have something on or forget etc

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