Fridge Too Cold?

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Gerday resident brewmeisters,

In an effort to keep my fermentation temps down, I recently bought a secondhand fridge. I did some initial tests (by putting the fermenter filled with water in for 24 hours and checking the temps) so thought I had it all pegged. I did a brew last night (just a Coopers Draught kit - using the yeast in the lid - for friday night quaffing), plonked it in the fridge and went to bed.

Of course after hot weather for weeks on end, it got down to 8 degrees here last night, and now my brew's sitting at ~12 degrees and there's not a single sign of bubbling through the airlock. From what I've read 12 degrees is way too cold for a ale yeast.

So. Do I:

a. Remove it from the fridge to let it warm back up a bit (not sure if this has any bad side effects)
b. Leave it as-is and resign myself to a 3-week fermentation process (assuming the yeast hasn't frozen to death)
c. Insert your own witty/smartarse option here

I will eventually invest in a FridgeMate or similar, but cash is a bit tight at present.

Any advice appreciated!

id probably take it out and let it warm up to 18 degrees (the yeast should take off then.
Then pop it back in the fridge but with the fridge turned off and check every 12- 24 hours. When it reaches 21-22degrees turn fridge on for a few hours until it hits 18-19 degrees again.

Get youself a temp controller and this will take care of all your problems for you and ya wont even have to check if its doing a good job but it always does (unless you set it wrong of course lol)
Time for a FridgeMate.

Edit: didn't see this:

I will eventually invest in a FridgeMate or similar, but cash is a bit tight at present
While your saving for a fridgemate freeze a few 2L bottle of water and use these to help control the temp when its warm.
Thanks guys, I've taken it out of the fridge and back into the laundry to let it warm back up.

On the subject of temperature controls for fridges, I know the Fridgemate is a bitch to install. Are the "no wiring required" fridge thermostats from Grain & Grape any good? (
Another option that i have found works well, is by getting one of those 24hr timers that plug into the powerpoint - and plug your fridge into that. Try and get one that has 15 minute intervals, ie each segment lasts for 15 minutes.

Then set it up so it will run your fridge for 15 minutes every couple hours, or 30mins every few hours - depending on the outside temp.

Once you get it set up right according to your desired fermentation temp, you can leave it for days, mine only fluctuates a couple degrees.

To keep the compressor in your fridge happy, give it at least half an hour off time, between running.
Thanks guys, I've taken it out of the fridge and back into the laundry to let it warm back up.

On the subject of temperature controls for fridges, I know the Fridgemate is a bitch to install. Are the "no wiring required" fridge thermostats from Grain & Grape any good? (

Personally, i thought wiring up my fridgemate was a breeze. only took a few minutes, and there are plenty of good guides around.

anyway, to help with your problem, let the brew warm up, it wont do anything at 12C.

18C is what you want.

then put it back in the fridge, with a couple of frozen water bottles to keep it cool. that, or get a timer and figure out what cycle works best (or do it by hand)
The hardest part I found with installing the FridgeMate was getting a nice case to mount it in.

But i'm a perfectionist, so it took a while :)

The hardest part I found with installing the FridgeMate was getting a nice case to mount it in.

But i'm a perfectionist, so it took a while :)


Meh, I just went a UB1 case from jaycar.

its black, its plastic, it has a screw on lid, I'm happy with it :p
Hmmm... the brew's been out of the fridge since 11am yesterday and is back up to ~18 degrees but I've had no activity through the airlock at all.

I'm hesitant to take the lid off for fear on infection - should I go grab another pack of yeast from Grumpys or let it sit and see what happens? As I mentioned, money's a bit tight so I'd prefer not to have to throw the whole brew out.

Sounds like I'll go a Fridgemate when I've got approval from the CFO.
the airlock might not be bubbling due to a poor seal, if you cant see the wort through the lid (possibly due to condensation) shine a torch through the side of the fermenter and it makes it easier to see if therez any krausen forming if you cant see any activity give the fermenter a swirl and let it rise a few more degrees (no more than 22)
The yeast has probably set hard to the bottum and needs a bit of rousing to wake it up.
the airlock might not be bubbling due to a poor seal, if you cant see the wort through the lid (possibly due to condensation) shine a torch through the side of the fermenter and it makes it easier to see if therez any krausen forming if you cant see any activity give the fermenter a swirl and let it rise a few more degrees (no more than 22)
The yeast has probably set hard to the bottum and needs a bit of rousing to wake it up.
Thanks mate, I'll give your suggestions a go.
I found the Fridgemate a piece of cake to wire up, search on here if you need any help if you get one.

In the mean time I'd check the specific gravity of the brew to see if fermentation is occuring if its dropping then dont worry about the (lack of) bubbling. 12 degrees isn't cold enough to kill the yeast, it will just make it sleepy and dormant so if it was OK when it went in, it should hopefully be ok now.

JT's suggestion of a 24hr timer is a good one if the budget is super tight, you just need to play around a little to get the timer intervals right. I'd use this in the mean time and then get a Fridgemate as soon as you can. I'd say my fridgemate is one of the best brew accessories I've got.