Fracking idiots

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Frack The Fracking Frackers!

But on a serious note yes this kind of thing is causing all sorts of protests/angry people right here in Australia. Causes all sorts of nasties to pollute the surrounding areas.
Love the argument they make. In australia we're worried about environmental and health costs, all the german's are worried about is how it will affect their beer. Bless 'em.
In Australia these companies seem to do what ever they want, where ever they want with very little impact studies.

There was a 4 corners (or some such) doco a few months ago about fracking and CSG in Australia.
I hadn't planned on watching it but by the end I was totally engrossed by the disgusting practices of these companies.

I imagine Germany might have a little less corruption, so they're more worried about irreversible damage being done.

In Australia they often don't do a baseline study, so who knows what fracking damage they've done. It's a joke.
Canadian explanation of Fracking.
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Oh, I get!

We can sound like we are saying naughty words when we actually aren't!
I've been waiting for this to come up here, read it on the german news a week ago.

JDW81 said:
Love the argument they make. In australia we're worried about environmental and health costs, all the german's are worried about is how it will affect their beer. Bless 'em.
not really, there's a big uproar about the planned fracking from all sides, I dare say that environmentalists in Germany make themselves heard even louder than in Australia. The brewing industrie now chipping in is just the tip of the ice berg, but obviously gets all the media attention.
treefiddy said:
In Australia these companies seem to do what ever they want, where ever they want with very little impact studies.

There was a 4 corners (or some such) doco a few months ago about fracking and CSG in Australia.
I hadn't planned on watching it but by the end I was totally engrossed by the disgusting practices of these companies.

I imagine Germany might have a little less corruption, so they're more worried about irreversible damage being done.

In Australia they often don't do a baseline study, so who knows what fracking damage they've done. It's a joke.
Ah I see it was on the ABC so it must be true................
treefiddy said:
I imagine Germany might have a little less corruption, so they're more worried about irreversible damage being done.
Well, according to The Economist, there's to much of it.

People in Singapore drink reclaimed poo water with apparently no ill effects, so what have the Germans got to wine about. If such an advanced nation couldn't develop some flashy reverse osmosis micro filtration system to supply them with pure water for their boring lagers, I miss my guess. Besides, judging by the crowd of 'aficionados' at Oktoberfest, the wenches could be rinsing the steins with horse piss and they'd be none the wiser.

Unless they want to start burning the tables and chairs in the Hofbrauhaus to boil their kettles, they better get with the ******* program I say.

Who knows, maby we'll see the head brewer from Paulaner or Bitbuger posting in the water thread here at AHB seeking advice on PH adjustments.
Dave70 said:
People in Singapore drink reclaimed poo water with apparently no ill effects, so what have the Germans got to wine about. If such an advanced nation couldn't develop some flashy reverse osmosis micro filtration system to supply them with pure water for their boring lagers, I miss my guess.
Sure, they can develop and have developed those filters, but their laws simply don't allow them to use for all purposes.

As an example, mineral water has to be filled in bottles in the exact same condition as it comes out of the ground, the only exception to this is the removal of iron.
Florian said:
Sure, they can develop and have developed those filters, but their laws simply don't allow them to use for all purposes.

As an example, mineral water has to be filled in bottles in the exact same condition as it comes out of the ground, the only exception to this is the removal of iron.
I was kind of taking the piss, but anyway, if by 'laws' you're referring to Reinheitsgebot, that law is about as watered down as a bottle of Hahn Lite, and rightly so. Some 500 year old injunction aimed at stopping brewers from cornering the market on cereal crops and driving up the cost of bread is hardly relevant today. According to Reinheitsgebot, you couldn't legally produce a a beer like Duvel cos there's sugaz in there. Imagine that.

If your not referring to Reinheitsgebot, then simply ignore me.
If Hitler had have won the war there would be Weihenstephen Pilsner on tap at your local Zurück Dienstleistungen League instead of VB.

This makes me seriously consider whether all that fighting was worth it. :D
Rowy said:
Ah I see it was on the ABC so it must be true................

two of SWMBO's family members work for a well known CSG company and yes word within the company is they do the bare minimum regarding impact studies and fudge the reports as much as they can. It's just accepted & expected, & it makes perfect business sense for them to do so.

Regarding your ABC comment, name just one investigative journalism program on a commercial station which would investigate something of more substance than dodgy plumbers or neighbourhood disputes..
Liam_snorkel, I love the ABC and watch daily but it's biased no question. Point about the depth of commercial stations fully agree.
The ABC would be better if they gave Karina Carvalho a seat and gave Leigh Sales the arse!

CSG and LNG is a necessary evil for our economy. Hold them to account environmentally by all means but get on board. Economically I can't understand why all the gas is pre-sold to Asia for the lowest price and there's no investment or expansion of town gas in Qld and no large gas fired power stations under construction to replace the coal. Lowest tender system works when building something but it's stupid when mining and exporting something.

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