Fosters To Reduce Size Of Cascade Bottles

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Pyssedas Heavy Industrial

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Those naughty people over at Fosters have decided to knock 45mls off the size of Cascade bottles and still charge as much! Swine... But fret not good people - we here at Pyssedas Heavy Industrial have written to them in the spirit of Australian corporate co-operation asking them to increase the size in honour of Don Bradman. [Letter also contains references to monkey have been warned] here it is -
Nice work! On the topic of speaking up for the everyday person, here is something that my cousin wrote after he was fined for failure to vote-

I was recently outraged to receive a notice of Penalty for Failure to Vote with regard to the alleged by-election of 20th November 2004 in the NSW State Electorate of Dubbo.

It is my understanding that the late member for Dubbo, the Honourable Tony McGrane, did in fact die on Wednesday, 15th September 2004. It is beyond my comprehension how I can be held accountable for my elected representatives failure to carry out the full term of his duties. Once again it appears to be a case of the sins of the elected being visited out upon the humble proletariat (yours truly).

Not only did Mr McGrane not provide prior warning to myself, he also failed to notify me after the fact, that he had, in actuality died. An astounding lack of foresight and compassion on his behalf you must concede.

When I cast my vote in back 2003, I was under the (obviously misguided) impression that all candidates were appropriately prepared to carry out four years of representation on my behalf. The fact that Mr McGrane (who I voted for by the way) betrayed me and so many others by dying so early into his tenure, has left me disillusioned not only with the NSW Parliament but also the fundamental concept of Democracy. To punish me for this betrayal of trust only further rubs salt into the wound.

I feel I would not only be letting down myself but also all other NSW voters by compounding Mr McGranes and the NSW electoral systems grievous error, if I did not apply for exemption under Part A sufficient reason for failing to vote. After all, Mr McGrane failed to supply sufficient reasons for failing to live to me.

Should my application be declined, I will grudgingly fork out the $25 that you presume I owe, from the meagre leftovers of a weekly pay-check which has already been taxed to the hilt by, and to pay for, representatives who fail to live. For your consideration.
Those naughty people over at Fosters have decided to knock 45mls off the size of Cascade bottles and still charge as much! Swine... But fret not good people - we here at Pyssedas Heavy Industrial have written to them in the spirit of Australian corporate co-operation asking them to increase the size in honour of Don Bradman. [Letter also contains references to monkey have been warned] here it is -

Love your work.
Great work PHI

If you don't get anywhere with this, perhaps offer them a solution. If every standard 375 ml bottle had inside it a plastic Bradman head that displaced 41ml, the net volume would be 334ml. Much the same as adding a house brick to the toilet cistern. That's a win/win as a new set of bottle moulds would not be required. Furthermore, if the Bradman heads were to be treated with AUSTealth coating, Cascade drinkers would not even know they were there! And who knows, the coating itself may even improve the flavour of the product. I know, I'm an ideas man.
yes, was very disappointed last time i ordered a cascade premium to find the bottle had shrunk!!
i was not so generous as to write them a letter, but if i had, it would not be nearly as thorough as your fine work. well done!
Dig - a truly inspired thought my friend - i might have to nominate you for our board of directors - its exactly that kind of thinking that has ensured that Pyssedas have yet to achieve greatness in anything we have endeavoured to do! Perhaps we could even start a a guerilla campaign of placing AUSTealth-coated bradman heads [my preference would be for them to be made from cast-iron] in Fosters products around the country...

Rukh - and membership of Pyssedas for your cousin too - perhaps the greatest single contribution to Australian politics since King O'Malley
My cynical nature should leave me no longer open to surprise at the bs that marketing departments of large companies will come up with but...
"Beer fans found the old bottle clunky and hard to grasp"
I mean come on...
That is wrong on so many levels...
My cynical nature should leave me no longer open to surprise at the bs that marketing departments of large companies will come up with but...
"Beer fans found the old bottle clunky and hard to grasp"
I mean come on...
That is wrong on so many levels...

Marketing ******s like that will be first against the wall.
Why raise the price when you decrease the quantity? Well I guess you first lower the quality, but we all now there not much room there.

The real question is how long before they change the size again? How small do they anticipate a beer bottle can be before the sheeple stop buying it enough to affect profits?
Cascade drinkers are getting a pretty bad run all up frankly. See my rant at about the price of draught beer in Hobart.

Fosters can fool most of the people most of the time maybe, but how long before even the most rusted on customers start to think they are being treated with contempt?

I think being charged $5.25 for a schooner of Cascade Pale Ale in a public bar all over the Hobart region last week is one of the most cynical pieces of pricing policy I've ever seen. And I did a lot of research!

Yesterday I paid $3.60 at a local club for a schooner of the exact same product!

Fosters I reckon not only your beer sucks, so do your business ethics. Cheerz Wab
I think it's pretty standard activity for most companies in the beverage/food arena. They drop the quantity down and still charge the same amount. A lot of beers that used to be available in 375 ml stubbies are now only available in 330 ml bottles. Price for these didn't drop when it was changed either.

I always thought it was the beancounters doing this, but it appears marketing ******s are quite happy to take the blame.
As long as Coopers sticks with 375mL I'm happy (well, content).
A lot of beers that used to be available in 375 ml stubbies are now only available in 330 ml bottles. Price for these didn't drop when it was changed either.

I always thought it was the beancounters doing this, but it appears marketing ******s are quite happy to take the blame.

I can see this forum coming alive if VB was dropped in volume. Anyone remember a few years ago when they increased the size of their longnecks?

Yeah, they increased the size at the expense of becoming screw-tops with thin walls, buggering our attempts to reliably reuse them...the dastards!

Also, I had a rude shock when I went down the street yesterday to pick up a slab of VB cans for a mates get together. My brother said they'd be $35-37, as he'd picked one up the other week for a similar get together. I walk into the cool room with him and almost fell over - $47! GET LOST! I knew this Labour Govt. would stuff us... It was then I remembered why I started homebrewing:

Cheap beer, as much as you want, and at a better quality than commercial. Mein Gott in Himmel! Why had I stopped???

Anyway, the decreasing size and increasing price of beer has got several of my mates and mates mates interested in hombrewing...looks like we might have a few more join the religion yet ;D
Incider Let's not forget that not that long ago VB dropped its percentage, and upped its price!

We of course wrote many letters on this matter

To CUB re the VB price rise -
To the Reserve Bank and the Federal Treasurer re the VB pricerise -
And to CUB re the theological implications of changing the percentage of VB -

the reponses were disappointing as you will see
Went to Dan's tonight to have a look for myself (and to pick up supplies :D )

In addition to shrinking the bottle, they've also dropped the ABV by 0.2%
(Was 5.2, now 5.0) :angry:

Good think I never pay for it when I get it, or I'd be slightly miffed! ;)
In Disgust I forwarded the following email to Foster's:

To whom it may concern, E.g. The leader of Foster's marketing team!!

I right to your marketing and financial team in disgust and contempt of the actions that they have chosen to take with their recent purchase of Cascade brewery.

Already within the short period since purchase the size of Cascade brews have been dropped in size, clearly to label the product as "more premium", "because surely as it comes in a smaller bottle it must be better", and also clearly along with the drop in alcohol percentage to increase profit margins and drop tax costs.

Now why does the foster's board always have to screw a companies product in the name of profit when prior to their interaction they were extremely popular and profitable???? Now this is not the first time this has happened to famous businesses within Australia. Take for example the many wine labels that have been destroyed by Foster's, One for example being Rothbury Estate, a label originating in the Hunter Valley, NSW, and run by the late Len Evans. Now this winery no longer exists in its original form with all "Rothbury" labels now produced in South Australia.....a very long drive from the parish of Rothbury of which it was once named. Is this the likely future for the Cascade and Boag's labels due to the "Swallowing" occurring with the purchase made by Foster's???

I personally work within the wine industry and trust me it is common to hear sad tales from customers and collegues of their "outting" thanks to the Foster's board. I for one am glad I work for a family owned company that does not report to share holders due to the cut throat interaction that the company (mainly the accountants) have with these shareholders.

The board of Foster's may be thinking that they will increase profits and the chances of parking a new model Mercedes in their driveway, but they are forgetting the reason they are in the position they are... and that is to keep the customers happy..... and trust me by making changes such as reducing product size, increasing price and shifting labels and production to different locations is deffinatley not a way to make friends within the community.

I hope your board is happy....because I know I am not and I know that there is ALOT of others in the same boat. Get your act together guys and girls... before you RUIN another great Australian product.

Brett Woodward

Cheers, Pok

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