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For Sale - Hop Rhizomes

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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The chinook grown in my backyard is much more like B Saaz (Motueka) than US Chinook. Citrus (grapefruit/mandarin), passionfruit. Some have suggested they get hints of Nelson Sauvin as well.

Received mine today thank you another satisfied customer.

The above comment has me foaming for next March woop woop!
Received last week in good order!


and sorry for the late reply!
Receipt of goods on Monday this week. Thanks, Smurt!

I anticipate my next batch of the Arrogant Bastard clone. Oh, yum!
Great news. Even better is hearing you aren't putting them in a wheat beer. Weizens make Smurto cry. :lol:

I just bought chinook from ebay! Didn't even look at the sellers name until after purchasing. Thanks Doc. Look forward to hiding them in the fridge til it warms up. Planting them and expressing wonder at the Mrs when they shoot up out of the ground.

I just bought chinook from ebay! Didn't even look at the sellers name until after purchasing. Thanks Doc. Look forward to hiding them in the fridge til it warms up. Planting them and expressing wonder at the Mrs when they shoot up out of the ground.


:lol: :lol: :lol:
What rhizomes are still available??

I think DrSmurto only has Chinook left. I have one or two of other varieties. You might find some others on this site if you search hard enough.
Dr Smurto, I wouldn't mind getting a rhizome off of you, if you still have some Chinook available?
Great news. Even better is hearing you aren't putting them in a wheat beer. Weizens make Smurto cry. :lol:
That's no prob, Herr Doktor. You must understand that Chinook makes weizen cry too.

Maybe an American wheat beer would suit though. :rolleyes:
Big thanks Dr Smurto, the rhizome arrived safe & sound last Wednesday! Sorry for the slow response.

hi just wondering if there are any zomes still available or if anyone else has any varieties for sale??
How many Smurto hop plants do you rekon are floating round Australia Doc?

Populating the country, 1 Zome at a time :lol:

ed: The Victoria is going in the ground next week, cheers for that too BTW
I planted my Chinook and Cascade last weekend. I think we have seen the last frost here in Newcastle. The Cascade cutting already had long shoots growing on it from being in the fridge.
Like all the other creatures that inhabit this planet, i like to spread my seed far and wide :huh: :lol:

Over the years i have sold quite a few rhizomes, would be interesting to see how they are all going and what people think of them. Each year the mother rhizomes get bigger and more determined to take over my vegie patch/chook run. Some of the runners i pulled up this year were 2 metres in length with shoots all the way along them. Would be very invasive if they found their way into a creek and mine are maybe 10m from one.

Not unusual to see them growing in the fridge, i recall last year i still had some left in early September and they were alsmot breaking through the plastic bags!

This is the first year i haven't received abuse via PM or posts in this thread about how i am 'ripping off my fellow homebrewers' and should be giving them away.

I like to think by charging $10 i played some small part in ending the ebay rort of a few years ago when rhizomes were selling at up to $100 each.

Those who have bought off me will hopefully realise there is no money made in any real terms by me given the amount of time and effort i have to put into this and yet i still only charge $10.