First Dance With Kegging.

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Le roi est mort..
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G,day all.

I stumbled across this wonderful place while looking for some info on kegging and thought I might as well go straight to the experts for some advice.

After spending a month in central Europe eariler this year, Germany, Czech Republic ect, It realy opened my eyes ( and expanded my gut) to some of the unique styles of beer out there, I knew I had to give it a go for myself at some stage, and here I am.

Now I'm just getting started with the whole kegging, brewing thing, Ive got a kit coming in a couple of weeks,and was wondering if anybody could provide a link or something to explain the basic process start to finish. I have made brews before but the whole Co2 thing is new to me.

thanks in advance
Click on "Articles" up near the top-right of the page, navigate through to "Storing and Serving" and there you have it!

Welcome to the forums.
For your first brew that you keg patience is the key. Don't make the mistake that I did and try to jump into the forced carbonation thing with both feet on your first try. I reckon I wasted 1/4 of a keg as foam because I ended up over carbonating it.

Have patience, and gas it up slower so that you can enjoy all of it. I chill my kegs for 48 hours then connect the gas at 250KPa for about 36 hours, then reduce to around 80KPa for serving.

Balancing your system (length of line to match serving pressure and diameter of line) is probably the hardest part. There is a calculator spreadsheet around this forum somewhere that can help with this. Otherwise variable taps are a godsend.

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