Hey all!
Love beer but always thought home brew was a bit meh. Maybe just tried **** home brews. Then a mates mate had a bit of a gathering and put on some beers that were quite nice. He moved overseas, mate took over his biab setup, I help in a few brew days, get hooked, buy a Robobrew and here we are now.
First brew is a simple citra smash. Been in the fv almost a week now on us-05. Think its almost finished, airlock bubbling has slowed a lot.
This is where I am not sure what to do next. I am thinking dry hop then make sure FG has been reached. Should i just throw hops in loose or put in a sock? If in a sock when should i remove the sock? After FG reached? Then cold crash, wait for that to settle, add gelatine, wait for that to work then keg it?
Yes gone straight to kegs. Helped mate bottle once and that was a chore.
Learnt a lot already, been lurking these forums a bit picking up tips. Things I will look to change in future -
OG was a bit low. Putting that down to my crush. Wasnt fine enough, sparging took no time at all. Mill was on 0.05 have moved to around 0.035 for next time.
Immersion chiller. Wifes garden was happy with it. Got wort to 40, got fv fridge to 0, transferred wort, put in fridge with controller set to 18 and went to bed. Got up 5 hours later and pitched yeast. No chill cube in future, but worried about hop timings as i like pale and ipa's.
Airlock. Blew its sanitizer a couple of times. Changed to vodka. Worked better but dont want to waste vodka all the time. Gladwrap in future. Won't have that visual info of bubbling, besides experience and taking gravity readings, to know when yeast is finishing?
Cheers all
Love beer but always thought home brew was a bit meh. Maybe just tried **** home brews. Then a mates mate had a bit of a gathering and put on some beers that were quite nice. He moved overseas, mate took over his biab setup, I help in a few brew days, get hooked, buy a Robobrew and here we are now.
First brew is a simple citra smash. Been in the fv almost a week now on us-05. Think its almost finished, airlock bubbling has slowed a lot.
This is where I am not sure what to do next. I am thinking dry hop then make sure FG has been reached. Should i just throw hops in loose or put in a sock? If in a sock when should i remove the sock? After FG reached? Then cold crash, wait for that to settle, add gelatine, wait for that to work then keg it?
Yes gone straight to kegs. Helped mate bottle once and that was a chore.
Learnt a lot already, been lurking these forums a bit picking up tips. Things I will look to change in future -
OG was a bit low. Putting that down to my crush. Wasnt fine enough, sparging took no time at all. Mill was on 0.05 have moved to around 0.035 for next time.
Immersion chiller. Wifes garden was happy with it. Got wort to 40, got fv fridge to 0, transferred wort, put in fridge with controller set to 18 and went to bed. Got up 5 hours later and pitched yeast. No chill cube in future, but worried about hop timings as i like pale and ipa's.
Airlock. Blew its sanitizer a couple of times. Changed to vodka. Worked better but dont want to waste vodka all the time. Gladwrap in future. Won't have that visual info of bubbling, besides experience and taking gravity readings, to know when yeast is finishing?
Cheers all