Jack of all biers
Well-Known Member
There is no way you got a 1110 gravity from 3.5 Kg dried malt and 300gm cara malt in 23 L, so firstly you need not worry about the yeast not getting through your batch (unless there are more ingredients that 'accidently' found their way it like a couple of kilos of sugar?
Each Kg of dried malt should give you ~1015 per 25L, so either your hydrometer is out, thermometer is out (did you test the temp of your sample before reading the OG?) or you read it wrong twice on two different samples (not likely)?
Even being out by 50C would only put the gravity 10 points higher, so that's probably not it.
You reading two samples at the wrong level is possible, but not plausible (so don't doubt yourself yet).
So that leaves the only realistic conclusion, my dear Watson, that your hydrometer may be out. Or someone slipped a mickey into your brew when your back was turned. SWMBO? :lol: Had your life insurance renewed lately?
You will need to do a two or three point calibration for this. First test against water (tap is fine) which should read 1000 . Then test against a known sample of 1050 (35gm white sugar in 250ml water) and finally against 1100 (77.5gm white sugar in 250ml water). To ensure your samples have the sugar dissolved, either heat and stir, then cool again to 20C or just stir until it is fully dissolved. Ensure all your samples are tested at 20C or if out by a few correct (for every 5C over +1 or under -1.
EDIT - 77.5 gm or 155 gm in 500 ml water is easier unless you have accurate scales. Or just HB it and round up or down. The exact reading is not hugely important, but if your hydro is way out with these measured known quantities then you know that is your problem.
2nd EDIT - You didn't buy a 5kg dried malt bag and absent mindedly put the whole thing in instead of just 2.5kg right?
Each Kg of dried malt should give you ~1015 per 25L, so either your hydrometer is out, thermometer is out (did you test the temp of your sample before reading the OG?) or you read it wrong twice on two different samples (not likely)?
Even being out by 50C would only put the gravity 10 points higher, so that's probably not it.
You reading two samples at the wrong level is possible, but not plausible (so don't doubt yourself yet).
So that leaves the only realistic conclusion, my dear Watson, that your hydrometer may be out. Or someone slipped a mickey into your brew when your back was turned. SWMBO? :lol: Had your life insurance renewed lately?
You will need to do a two or three point calibration for this. First test against water (tap is fine) which should read 1000 . Then test against a known sample of 1050 (35gm white sugar in 250ml water) and finally against 1100 (77.5gm white sugar in 250ml water). To ensure your samples have the sugar dissolved, either heat and stir, then cool again to 20C or just stir until it is fully dissolved. Ensure all your samples are tested at 20C or if out by a few correct (for every 5C over +1 or under -1.
EDIT - 77.5 gm or 155 gm in 500 ml water is easier unless you have accurate scales. Or just HB it and round up or down. The exact reading is not hugely important, but if your hydro is way out with these measured known quantities then you know that is your problem.
2nd EDIT - You didn't buy a 5kg dried malt bag and absent mindedly put the whole thing in instead of just 2.5kg right?