howdy all,
I do filtering all my beers, but Im doing it with counterpressure, so there is no loss of CO2 at all (not from the beer) and you dont need to carbonating the beer afterwards.
The way Im doing it:
After racking the beer into kegs, Im gonna leave the beer maturating for about 3 weeks.
Then Im taking an empty keg, flushing CO2 through the tubes, pump and filter into that keg til the pressure reaches the same value as the full keg.
Needless to say, that the temp of the beer should be as low as possible, in my case around 0C.
Now Im connecting the two CO2-ports with eachother, nothing happens, because both of them are containing the same pressure.
Now Im connecting the beer outlet to the pump and the other valve to the beer site of the empty keg, switch on the pump and wait til the beer has been transferred from the one to the other keg through the filter.
Finish, cleaning up and have a fresh filtered homebrew
btw. the beer will be as clear as the water on Fraser Island :beer: