I have just bottled my version of this and can confirm it makes a fine beer still green but I have downed two bottles yeast haze and all.
Recommend anybody intending to have a go at extract to do this one. I used Briess extract with 250g Carabohemian steeped. Hops used were Simcoe Chinook and some Galaxy I had to get rid of. Could have done with a bit more hop for my taste and I screwed up the volume slightly and ended up with about 23.5litres. Nice easy drinking beer in its present form.
This is all good stuff! I can sympathise with the time restraints - with two kiddies under three and a full time job finding the time to get right into the detail can be difficult. To paraphrase RobboMC all in good time.
I like the sound of the 10 min APA recipe which Arghonaut shared... I'll have a play in the sheet to see what I come up with.
Has anyone brewed an American Brown Ale, or an Amber Ale from a kit?
Some of what Robbo says isn't wrong (although the stuff about number of additions is pretty much ********) but it is entirely possible to make a great APA with all late hop additions. Assuming you are using the spreadsheet correctly, the reported IBU will be correct (or close enough to it that you can't tell the difference).
Go with your gut if that's what you feel will work. You won't wreck it, it'll just be different.