Fat Yak(tastes Like Crap)

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I've tried MBFY again recently [bottled] and found it to be very thin. I recall having it on tap a couple of years ago and I don't remember it being anywhere near that thin. I can't really attribute this to handling conditions. The hoppiness and bitterness were roughly the same as I recalled.
I was too pissed to climb the hill, having been on the turps with TidalPete, Batz, Screwtop and roboscot since 10 AM :chug:
IH next Wednesday if you are still on.

General annoucement: International Hotel Spring Hill Wednesday 4 till late session anyone interested to sup Rudy's brews (five bucks a pint)


Yes mate, I , and friends, have had the same problem. The first time I have ever been angry enough to voice a complaint to a manufacturer.

This is a copy of my email, and CUBs :angry: response;

enquiry Well done guys, you've really destroyed your best beer and all my hard work convincing everybody I know and meet to try it! Fat Yak is now ******! Sorry, won't be buying any more.You worked hard for market acceptance and then dumb it down, why?

This is probably one of the most offensive and badly written complaint letters, no wonder you received a generic response. What were you expecting by smashing the product? Perhaps that the brewer would write back and say 'Oh, yeah, Thursday's batch was average, actually a bit below par but we decided to throw it out there and see if anyone noticed." Whilst you are right in complaining if you thought the product was sub-par, you need to temper it with some common sense. If you placed a beer into a show and the result was 'tasted like crap, didn't like it and he could have done better' then you would be (rightfully) annoyed, if not angry. Perhaps a more articulate response explaining what you found the faults to be would have given CUB more of a basis to respond to you.

Had it once of a many times on tap, it must have been really fresh, and it was a very well balanced, fresh tasting hoppy great beer - IMO [That time] an awesome beer.. Luck of the draw it seems...

Never had a 'great' one from a stubby tho!
I agree with both of these statements completely.

One time on tap it was a pretty nice; hop forward, slight American grassiness, noticeable malt. Pretty good considering it was next to Draught and Kirin on the font. Every other time - dry, boring crap.

For a while it was my go-to supermarket brew but it got so bland (swapped to Invalid Stout regardless of the weather/what I was in the mood for) but now I won't even touch the Yak. Such a bland, nothing beer - not really any sort of alternative to the megas.
I am a bit miffed by all the comments here. CUB have made a bold move at stealing some faithful coopers drinkers and welcoming them to the CUB camp. You bastards have the audacity to criticize their honest efforts and intentions in an all-out smear campaign. Shame on you all, you make me sick to the stomach.
I've found that my enjoyment of Fat Yak depends upon the establishment I consume it in. If they look after their lines, it's still a mighty fine drink. If they don't - well, I don't drink there anymore...

Looking forward to Fat Yak Sunday next weekend, 20th Feb. It's going to be a cracker!
I must be lucky, i dont think i've had a bad one yet.
I have only ever had it in bottles.
I would not say it tastes like crap.
Very one dimensional, and bland.
Since trying it a year ago and having it again a few times, i can say it is now something i wont buy again.
Has it changed? or has my tastes changed?
I think my tastes have changed heaps, i now demand a lot more flavour in my brews.
Maybe a little from column A and B perhaps?
Does it have Nelson Sauvin in it? If that's the one a mate handed me once at a BBQ probably 18 months ago, then I recall I quite liked it.

Took one sip and said, "Nelson." Then I had to explain myself. Then everyone went to sleep because most people enjoy drinking more than brewing it seems.
I am a bit miffed by all the comments here. CUB have made a bold move at stealing some faithful coopers drinkers and welcoming them to the CUB camp.
Firstly, it's labeled by Matilda Bay - which some would still regard as a microbrewery. If the market is people who drink based on the parent company and recent business deals, then surely that's a pretty small market. Then again, to suggest that this beer was carefully crafted by CUB to meet that market's needs, well that just sounds silly.

You bastards have the audacity to criticize their honest efforts and intentions in an all-out smear campaign. Shame on you all, you make me sick to the stomach.
On noes! Someone is criticizing something on the internets. Close the whole thing down! 'All-out smear campaign'? - Sure, we've got a national televised commercial, newspaper ads, and three celebrities hosting fundraising dinners in honour of our cause. Certainly more than a few brewers on a forum discussing their thoughts on a beer.

Seriously, if this makes you so sick... don't read the thread. Besides, your own past posts indicate that you've publicly posted unfavourable reviews of beers. Hypocrite much?
When Fat Yak was first released I loved it. Over the past twelve months I have found that both bottled and tap beer its not that good as what it used to be.

I've tasted Fat Yak in NSW, ACT, SA, VIC and WA, now I'm wondering is its a storage problem i.e. too hot, too long, too cold.

Personaly I stopped buying Fat Yak about November last year.... No more for me.

My 2 worth

C :icon_cheers:

Yeah I drank it a bit when it first came out and quite liked it however lately it just seems to be a bland, non-descript ale. I do think that breweries adjust recipes according to feedback (sales) of a product. I imagine that FY was just a little too out there for the average CUB punter so they dulled it down. Just my 2c.
Firstly, it's labeled by Matilda Bay - which some would still regard as a microbrewery. If the market is people who drink based on the parent company and recent business deals, then surely that's a pretty small market. Then again, to suggest that this beer was carefully crafted by CUB to meet that market's needs, well that just sounds silly.

On noes! Someone is criticizing something on the internets. Close the whole thing down! 'All-out smear campaign'? - Sure, we've got a national televised commercial, newspaper ads, and three celebrities hosting fundraising dinners in honour of our cause. Certainly more than a few brewers on a forum discussing their thoughts on a beer.

Seriously, if this makes you so sick... don't read the thread. Besides, your own past posts indicate that you've publicly posted unfavourable reviews of beers. Hypocrite much?

I got the impression the post was tongue in cheek
I think bottle and draft come from different breweries. That said I wonder if CUB have batch codes that identify the brewery bottles have come from like tooheys/LN do. Not surprised if it has either changed breweries for some regions, you got an old batch (what was the best before? Close?) or they have had either seasonal variation or a change to the recipe. Might be a victim of it's own success or the retail liquor discount war, much like JS pils was. Vote with your feet and they will change it back like JS pils!
Yeah I drank it a bit when it first came out and quite liked it however lately it just seems to be a bland, non-descript ale. I do think that breweries adjust recipes according to feedback (sales) of a product. I imagine that FY was just a little too out there for the average CUB punter so they dulled it down. Just my 2c.

+1 I missed my bus and shot into a bar for a quick one, it was the first time I tried Fat Yak on tap and I was very disappointed. Pretty bland and non-descript sums it up nicely. Even put me off buying bottles at Dans sticking to good old Brewdog Punk IPA. :)
My 2 bob worth.Was a nice drop when first released,would not touch it now, if i wanna grab a carton ill fork out a few more bucks and grab a box of Pilsner Urquell!!!
I am a bit miffed by all the comments here. CUB have made a bold move at stealing some faithful coopers drinkers and welcoming them to the CUB camp. You bastards have the audacity to criticize their honest efforts and intentions in an all-out smear campaign. Shame on you all, you make me sick to the stomach.

I took that as a piss take too.
I was too pissed to climb the hill, having been on the turps with TidalPete, Batz, Screwtop and roboscot since 10 AM :chug:
IH next Wednesday if you are still on.

General annoucement: International Hotel Spring Hill Wednesday 4 till late session anyone interested to sup Rudy's brews (five bucks a pint)


Ooooh indeed. Assuming I'm at central again next week, I knock off around 3..... What time you looking at getting there Michael?

Might just have to trek up the hill for a couple of quiet pints.... Sorry for the OT everyone - maybe we should start a new thread....

Didn't Matilda Bay move to Dandenong, Melbourne...maybe it's a water profile thing...and freshness if they closed the WA brewery???

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