Fair Sort Of Deal From Dans Today

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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I'm doing an armchair tour of Central Europe this afternoon starting at the Baltic Coast and popping over the Tatras Mountains to Bohemia. Dan's have a good deal going on single bottles and as I was at Chermside (I only get there about three times a year when SWMBO needs to stock up on art supplies) I got a selection. If you buy 10 bottles you get the carrier and 10% off, plus I think there was some deal going on the Polish Beers, was in a bit of a rush so didn't take too much notice of that.


Anyway I got 3 Zwyeck, 3 Brok, a couple of Kozel bohemians, a Kozel Dark and a Bud Dark to try. All half litres and All for around $34 which by my reckoning is similar price or cheaper than VB :icon_cheers:


Boy am I going to get mellow.... Checking out whether Poland is on Street view yet, might find a little pavement bar and hang out there while I slurp the Brok for starters, then push along the coast to Zwyeck Country. :drinks:
It is a pretty good deal if you manage to get decently handled stock, been going down here in Melb for a bit over a month I think. That Kozel Dark is a ripper of a beer IMO, enjoy
The zwiec porter is pretty good too. Don't drive afterwards though, its pretty strong!. I agree, kozel dark is yummy!
I get in shit if I go to Uncle Dan's & don't come back with at least one Kozel dark, SWMBO pretty much demands it
+1 for Zwyiec Dark. At 19.99 a sixer for 9% beer, it's good value too.


I don't think $34 is that cheap for imported lager - IIRC, you could pick up 4 broks for around $12 at any rate. Not that they tell you - it's like the marked down 6-ers in response to First Choice.

2 six packs of craft beer is $32 give or take, so I suppose it's cheap for them. I might do the math, but I looked at the deal originally and my inner auditor just went 'nah'.

The zwiec porter is pretty good too. Don't drive afterwards though, its pretty strong!. I agree, kozel dark is yummy!

Yea the porter is %8 or %9ish? I enjoyed it. The IGA liquor near me has had 3 Kozels (mix n match) for $10 for ages. Good way to build up a few pint bottles and throw out all the stubbies (for we lowly bottlers haha)....also a lovely drop, the dark is nice and is %3.8ish so very drinkable.

I haven't yet done the mix and match box yet, but it is a great idea for this sort of thing. I reckon if I was working I'd probably do it every f/n...having said that, the Dans in Ballarat has a pretty mediocre range - just a lot of the same type of thing.

If you tire of euro lagers (as I do) then the range is even more limited. Anyway - nice job!
Not that they tell you - it's like the marked down 6-ers in response to First Choice.
I didn't get much response today at DM regarding the matching of the 1st Choice offer. They told me I should just shop at 1st Choice. The thing was, I just had.
I did'nt much response today at DM regarding the matching of the 1st choice offer. They told me I should just shop at 1st Choice. The thing was, I just had.

Whereabouts are you located?

Did you contact them via the website? I do that sometimes and they usually give me a decent reply or some help.

Whereabouts are you located?

Did you contact them via the website? I do that sometimes and they usually give me a decent reply or some help.


It didn't worry me; my post was mainly in jest. I didn't think they would match the offer after reading some of the responses in this thread. It appears to be hit and miss, luck of the draw. I just happened to be driving past DM on my way home from 1st Choice and thought I would give it a go. No skin off my nose, especially considering that I rarely purchase from either store.
I think Dan's is always 10% off 10 mixed bottles, it has been everytime I've been there.

Apart from the Four Square promo, First Choice has 20% off 6 or more mixed beers, pity I don't have a First Choice anywhere near me. :(
+1 Kozel Dark

It was the beer that triggered me to explore styles outside of aussie lagers many years ago.

Edit, that was me 20 mins ago taken by someone down on the Esplanade where I had gone to walk off the effects of a few.
Those boys need a malt likker care-package from Bribie!
Another Kozel Dark fan here. Good stuff, good price.