Facebook is Dead and Buried

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Prince Imperial said:
if you're not convinced, consider that twitter stoushes/events are news stories in their own right at the moment.
Well I havent seen any in the news....well not mainstream ...

Do you have to be on twitter to be aware of these ..?
No, I've seen some in the mainstream, but they are small stories so maybe being on twitter makes them more prominent. To be fair they are often trivial ( eg. The twitter response to Pete Evans "activated almonds etc.) but it is an emerging trend. In a nutshell, mainstream media don't set the conversation with quite the same unilateral nature that they previously did.
Twitter is also great for following breweries/brewers.
Prince Imperial said:
mainstream media don't set the conversation with quite the same unilateral nature that they previously did.
Twitter is also great for following breweries/brewers.
Thats got little to do with twitter and more to do with bloggers and the intetnet in general with independant news feeds.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Thats got little to do with twitter and more to do with bloggers and the intetnet in general with independant news feeds.
Sure, the effect is present with user generated content (for example, 20 years ago we'd all be reading home brewing books and limited to topics/info/experience that the author chooses to present). The effect is amplified in twitter though, for the following reasons:

A) Tweets are limited to 140 characters, reading a tweet doesn't require the same investment as reading a blog-post. Users are therefore less likely to only consume content they already agree with.
B ) The format is wide open - it's like a giant intersecting conversation where you can focus on specific topics, but are not limited to doing so (eg: we come here to talk about beer, but probably all use other specific focus sites/forums to discuss other interests. I realise there is some intersection, but twitter does this seamlessly).
C) integration with other applications (link'd in, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit etc.) I realise this isn't unique but it just works so well with twitter for reasons already mentioned.
D) share-ability of content. You can share on FB and re blog on tumblr, but retweeting is faster and IMO more seamless.

Do you use twitter Stu? When I first joined up it seemed chaotic, arbitrary and a bit like shouting at no-body in a crowded room full if other people shouting at nobody. But, once I learned how it worked it's usefulness and implications became more apparent.

Edit: accidental emoticon
I'm on facebook, but I have relatives in 3 other countries around the world, and it's a good way to stay in touch. So is Skype.
I have a twitter account, but obviously I'm of no interest to the rest of the world, as noone is listed as a follower.
Skype is great.

Sorry Warra....you have "be" or "think" you are someone for Twiiter. Maybe you could change your name to WarraKardashian or WarraBieber...
I generally like your perspective on things Stu, but I'm amused that you've even got an opinion on twitter - what's it based on? Feelpinions? Would be like me pontificating about Linux.
Just being a self serving tosser on all accounts.
Prince Imperial said:
chaotic, arbitrary and a bit like shouting at no-body in a crowded room full if other people shouting at nobody. But, once I learned how it worked it's usefulness and implications became more apparent.
That pretty much sums it up.

Along with other forms of life sharing time suck.....
Bribie G said:
Latest polling / research indicates that Facebook is basically dead man walking, now just for oldies, kids don't use it any more except to keep in touch with Aunty.

Well, I've never been subscribed to Facebook so obviously didn't miss much. Maybe I should join to keep in touch with the Croquet Club events or the Walking Frame Mini Marathon support crew.

Edit: The article says that Parents have "worked out how to use Facebook" and find the system to their liking. I reckon this misses the point, with Facebook now 10 years old, most of those Uni aged original users now ARE the parents, so FB is probably going to travel with that, as well as a slightly older, cohort. A bit like AOL, Geocities, and other blasts from the past into whose mighty company FB is now marching.

If this is right, it certainly is not reflected in their stock price.... doubled in value since June and heading higher.. B)
Bad Cess to Facebook, for 45 years I have carried my memory of wee Jeanie McGuire my first sweetheart, a champion at track and field and other sports, wee firm breasts, flat stomach with a faint six-pack,
a nice round arse as tight as a snare drum.
What did I do, opened an account on Facebook to look her up and I found her aged 64, what had I done those memories demolished in seconds. Of course I would probably be a disillusionment for her to, had I revealed myself, but now those memories are dashed, I will never use Facebook again and just keep my past memories alive.

Teigh trasna ort fein Facebook.
Slightly off topic, ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1390340902.405100.jpg
Face book,ppffff,it amazes me the crap that has been shown to me from there by my kids leaves me wondering.
My kids have shown me pics of their auntie ( recently divorced) posting pics of her self all dolled up at clubs with blokes half her age!
F me ,people put such things online for the world to see,possibly for future employers too see and read.

Oh by the way I am just back from the shop where I bought a litre of milk and saw a cat. Cheers...spog....
Facebook is now 10 years old. Yes, 10 years...

So if you 'did' join in the first couple of years, you would have between 22-35, at a guess, with the internet age.

So, possibly had kids, be them any where between 2-8 years old. Now they are 12-18 years old.... and you are still posting pics of them on there...

You think they will be 'laying out the laundry' for you to see - No.

Check Tumblr, and even that is about to pass away...

I am excited about what my unborn kids will see...

Maybe even hoover boards.
My 8yr old is already posting youtube clips from playing minecraft.

I dont even know how to post on youtube, and I dont have any idea wtf minecraft is..

When I was his age we didn't even have a colour tv..
Cocko said:
I am excited about what my unborn kids will see...
Did anyone else just get a chill down their spine from this. Hopefully in the future there's laws to stop certain people from reproducing. Imagine more than one cocko on ahb. Yikes.