Jakechan, first of all - love your Pink Floyd avatar.
As far as the subject, well isn't this a question that might just as soon be in the "Beer - Art or Craft" thread ? No, because it would be bogged down in literary inferences.
Whilst I'm quite a newbie myself, I am already thinking of the "what's fermentable?" angle. I'm largely on the various liquid malts right now, but wonder about getting that damned SG up with other goo, like treacle, golden syrup, honey, maple syrup, or whatever else (I draw the line at 99% aloe vera, no sugars AFAIK)
Outside of that, what about the many sugars available ? Look in the asian/eastern stores, and theres al manner of sucrose that would bring a unique flavour to a brew, and may not have been touched upon.
Palm sugar, anyone ?
Go for experimentation, I say.