Everyone Should Also Make This

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1.5kg tin of unhopped LME
1.5kg tin of unhopped wheat extract
500g dextrose
200g cracked crystal grain
Hops: 1x 80g packet Cascade
1x 80 packet B-Saaz

Method: bring 5L of water to roughly 70 degrees. Steep your crystal grains in this water for 20 mins, in a muslin sock (or pantyhose). Remove grains and throw away.
Add 500g (1/3 of the tin) of unhopped LME to the water, mix it in and bring to the boil.
Once boiling, add your hops as follows;
10g of each @ 45min
20g of each @ 15min
20g of each @ 10min
20g of each @ 5 min

At flameout, strain it into your fermenter (there is a shedload of hop matter to get out of the mix) and add the rest of the LME and the dextrose. Stir it all in and top up with cold water quickly (or you will get too much bitterness imparted while the mix remains at 90+ degrees).

Once it's at 20 degrees, pitch Nottingham Ale Yeast or US-05 and keep the temps around 18-20 (the notto will work right down to 15 degrees if you ask it to, it's really clean and doesn't scrub as much hop flavour as the US-05 IMHO)

Ferment and enjoy!

This is a tweaked version of a LCBA clone that i've been perfecting. Personally I love the body that the wheat extract gives it, but if you want it cleaner you can just use two tins of straight LME.

Okay - why?

While your other thread has been somewhat popular it would seem, why do you insist (or perhaps preach) that 'everyone' should make this particular extract brew?

I'd be perfectly happy for you to have a thread devoted to your particular recipe, no worries there, but why oh why do you need to label it 'everyone should make this' for what appears to be a rather common looking recipe (regardless of how well you happen to make it)? Should I tell everyone that they really should make my favourite recipe, just because I like it?

No offence implied towards extract brews, but I doubt you've made the once-in-a-lifetime-out-of-this-world-forget-making-anything-else-coz-this-is-perfect beer that this title perhaps implies.

[ Disclaimer: Long day at work. ]
Agreed. My brew gear doesn't include a can-opener in the arsenal, so I dont think I should make this recipe :)
Looks good, Neil.
Maybe, just so you don't appear too pushy, you should change the title to "Some of You, if You Really Want to Ofcourse, Should Perhaps Give This a go, Because I think it tastes great".
Cheers, John.
I tried it and didn't like it - can I get my money back?

sheesh tough crowd tonight

ivan: yep sorry it's 23L, should have put that in the original post
Still yet to hear a good reason why you should be having a debate about someone recommending a recipe they made and liked.

You wanna criticise the recipe? He's posted it so it is open season - go for it. You wanna derail a thread over the wording of it's title? Eat a cock.
I'm still yet to hear a good reason why 'everyone should also make this'.

Because Neil said so. His previous centenarillo was pretty good, I made a galaxarillo due to Beerbelly not stocking centennial & it was one of my better extract efforts. I've got a bottle left that should last until the case swap if you want to try it. My "made up on brewday" AG recipes seem to be making better beers than tried & tested extract recipes but for anyone looking to move away from K&K then Neil's recipes are probably a good place to start.
That is one serious looking cat.

Btw, I just finished my second attempt of your "Everyone Should Make This" about an hour ago.
I used Nottingham Ale Yeast this time instead of US05. Not sure if that'll make much difference.

The first attempt was a beauty and the best thing about it is my mates who don't like "fruity" beer :)

Bugger off and buy your own then!
Still yet to hear a good reason why you should be having a debate about someone recommending a recipe they made and liked.

You wanna criticise the recipe? He's posted it so it is open season - go for it. You wanna derail a thread over the wording of it's title? Eat a cock.

And this is why your posts are one of the reasons I continue to check this board regularly. Just great.
You wanna derail a thread over the wording of it's title? Eat a cock.

How on earth you repeatedly get away with your smut and insults without being moderated is anyone's guess. Ditto for being a clever little troublemaker and antagonist. Perhaps you need to eat said appendage. Maybe EVERYONE needs to. The fact is that the original thread title was a bit annoying everytime it popped up, but allowable due to an excited author. To phrase another thread with this command is a deliberate action, and deserses to be commented on. Neill's not too offended, and Im sure he's a big boy who doesnt need the likes of you to defend him.
the guy has made something and wants to share with fellow brewers..if you cant say anything good,dont post a comment..seems easy to make and not that expensive either..
I'm also pretty sure that he's taken the time to formulate this recipe, detail it on this forum, for a great example of an extract brew. It all helps you know. Having members complain about CONTENT? c'mon!

you dont have to make it if you dont want.
You dont have to do everything someone on the internet tells you to.
I'm sure Neill wont mind.
Remember this is posted in the Kits and Extracts, so would be expected that Kit and extract brewers are reading here, as this is what it is for. If you don't want to see K&K recipes, don't look in here.

Personally I like to see recipe ideas, and don't really care what the title of the post is as long as I think it is an interesting recipe.
Yeah, i'd be adding "LCBA clone" into the post heading myself, however it looks like a good recipe, Neill.
Still yet to hear a good reason why you should be having a debate about someone recommending a recipe they made and liked.
And yet, you feel the need to debate that fact. Redundant much?

You wanna criticise the recipe? He's posted it so it is open season - go for it. You wanna derail a thread over the wording of it's title? Eat a cock.
Well, what can I say? Your mastery of the English language has finally come to a pinnacle. Your uselessness is however fast approaching a middle.

You're absolutely right, my comment was of a much poorer form than 'eat a cock' - I retract all opinions in light of this perfectly cogent argument. I'm off to start a thread called 'bum should eat a cock' - with a recipe for a cracking IIPA.

you dont have to make it if you dont want.
But then why does it say that everyone should?

There seems to be a limited number of people that see my point - I would have no less issue with the title being 'my favourite brew' or 'this turned out great' or even 'LCBA clone - better than the original'. I have no problem whatsoever with the content of the post, so you can stop telling me that I'm criticizing that. I find the title (and that of the previous thread) annoying and uninformative, and I have commented as such. There's a perfectly good recipes section for people to post recipes in, and traditionally the title would involve the name and/or style of the beer, that way it's not only helpful and informative, but searchable. If this is such a great brew, why do people have to type 'everyone' or 'make' into the search to find it?

The next time one of you haters comments on a thread for poor title-age -- 'help?' 'what have i done?' or 'yeast' -- I'll be at the ready.

Neill - my comment and question were for you, but it seems that everyone else has commented on mine, so I apologise for being the cause of the derail, but not the derail itself. A more appropriate title next time would be appreciated.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on forums these days seem to be there to have an argument. Seriously guys, this place is all about making your own beer, and if it wasn't for members generously posting their favorite recipes, my first 2 batches would have been nothing better than the swill that results from your first standard kit.

If someone had a go at me for the wording of a recipe thread, I'd bare my posterior to the lot of you and keep my ideas to myself - mind you, my recipe tips at this stage amount to "search 'best recipe' threads on forum.

Take a chill pill, have a beer, and keep the recipes and tips coming, the majority of us appreciate it.
Quantum, if it worries you so much, start a bloody wiki article on posting etiquette so we can all be as formal as you with our topics. I must remember to check in with you before I post anything to ensure you are 'happy' with the contents and title. Dude, you must get bored easily.

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