Effectively mixing wort and water.

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As you may see from my other thread I stuffed up the mixing of my latest brew.

So how do you mix it? What techniques and or tools etc?

Cheers Hamo
(scrapped what I first wrote is wasn't relevant)

Oh, do you just mean mixing canned wort? Then as per instructions on the can. Warm the can in a pot of hot water so its pours out easy and rinse out the goo on the walls with some hot, or boiling water. Then when its all in the fermenter with all the colder water seal the lid and roll shake it for 4 minutes that will aerate the wort as well and mix it all well to get an accurate hydrometer reading. Check temp and pitch yeast. I give it another roll/skake to mix in the yeast.
I made stainless steal plugs to seal the airlock grommet for that purpose to roll shake the fermenter.
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Excellent thanks mate. Yeah I hadn't thought of plugging up the holes and swishing it around. I've just been stirring with the big spoon you get in the kit.
Get a paint stirrer and drill and give it a blitzing with that for a min or 2.
I've found that since doing this the yeast start quicker and do a better job or getting through it.
Everything has to be very sanitary. I prefer the less tools the better for sanitation reasons. Limit the possibilities of infection.
I wont trust a plastic spoon in the brew or a paint stirrer unless they were polished stainless steel, thoroughly cleaned and sanitized but I'm fussier than ever and just throwing thought. Hopefully provocative. All wort sealed inside the sanitized fermenter, 1/3rd head space you can shake it to hell, little bit of exercise, with less worries of contamination.
Ok thanks mate. Definitely sanitation is a big consideration
I use big spoon but honestly I find the pouring in the water form my 5l jug does allot of stirring and aeration for me
Yeah that's all I was doing too.but clearly it's not been good enough this time around.