Dust Storm Pics!

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Even the palm trees are trying to cover their eyes.
EVERYTHING............. is dusty!

And at 2pm my wife went into the garage/brewery and discovered i left the window open from brew day on the weekend.

Red dust on everything!
you guys have to be joking....

this is a regular occurrence in rural Australia.

Dusts storms in Griffith, Mildura & Broken Hill are a way life, happens at least monthly.

TOUGHEN PRINCESSES! the pictures I see in this thread are not much more than a puff of dirt!
Hey kirem.

I lived in cobar for a while in 1995 during the drought.

I remember one day watching one of those walls of dirt that you see in pictures with a workmate from the top of the GOld mine processing plant i worked at.

We thought it was a long way away and all of a sudden the trees not 300M away bent over.......... then vanished!

We ran for the workshop but got half way and were knocked flat by a swirling wall of red dirt. It was so thick i watched it aproach as i ran, like the ground was standing up at 90 deg and moving in on me.

I hit the ground...... it was dark at 2pm! I pulled my work shirt up over my head and after 30 seconds or so it stedied out and i got back up and made my way to the workshop.

My pockets were full of dirt......... like someone tiped a few buckets of red fines over me.

While driving home in dust similar to what we had here..... but a bit worse, it started to rain and mud drops hit the windscreen... which smeared with the wipers. I drove home looking out the window and my face was rather dirty when i made it.

I doubt i will ever see a better dust storm than that in my life but considering how far away we are from the red center... here on the NSW coast, I think it was a fiarly remarkable event!

Looks like a good excuse to brew an Amber Wit in commemoration of the big dust storm that made the world news.

If it was not for everyone on the global warming band wagon I bet none of those that only think of Australia as the home of Outback Steak House, that odd movie Walk About, the less odd movie The Man From Snowy River, the Dundee movies, and lets not forget the Nascar fans and Jackaroo BBQ sauce, or the animal guy that got skewered by the ray. Oops, I almost forgot the world famous beer Fosters. You know it is Australian for beer. Been a while that I have heard that commercial.

Not that I think of you that way. I think of you as a very beer oriented group of people that just happen to spin the wrong way. Oh I forgot, you talk funny also. It took me weeks to figure out what ARVO meant. Then there is Cube and Esky.
^ LOL my poor brother in-law has NFI what we're talking about half the time.
Being that my grand mother is a pom, grandfather is an irishman and both of them have scottish herritage and then on dads side of the family I'm 7th generation skip - theres some interesting sayings fly around. Even my partner had NFI what we were talking about for a while and shes 3rd generation skip. Problem is that we grow up with them and they make sence when used in context but too many "aussie slag" dictionaries and books dont really explain the context.

Simple things like :
china = mate
dog n bone = phone
give it the herb = give it curry / plant it / floor it
milo = someone whose not quick on the up take (milo is a milk flavouring - and obviously so is quik / nesquik so milo isnt qwik)
dunny budgie = fly
ambo = ambulance

One of the other funniest things was taking a mate when he first came over from the states through a drive through bottle-o. He fair on nearly wet himself with excitement - he couldnt believe that you could drive through the bottle shop. I was supprised that they apprently dont have drive through bottle shops in the states. Asked my brother inlaw and he cant really remember any from when he was a kid - then his parents dont drink.

Edit : my foreman just reminded me of a good one - "get a dog up ya" which means basically - hair of the dog.
milo = someone whose not quick on the up take (milo is a milk flavouring - and obviously so is quik / nesquik so

Tail light - Not as bright as a headlight
Craw Bob - big fat arse and a head full of s#!t

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