Dunkelweizen Ingredients

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G'day Brewers,
I'm going to try an extract Dunkelweizen next and will be making an ingredient order soon.
Just looking through a few recipes and CB's grains and info and came up with a long list of what I think could be used,
Wheat Caramel Malt
Special B
Caramunich I or II
Pale Crystal
I already have some Chocolate Wheat so I reckon to put some of that to use.
What would be the best choices from the list above?
I'll probably order enough 500g bags of cracked spec. grains for 3 seperate recipes but haven't started working the other two yet.
I reckon to use a couple of tins of Coopers Liquid Wheat Malt and a bit of LDME and perhaps a little dex. to bring the FG down a touch.
How would some Hallertau Mittlefrueh hop pellets go for bitterness?
I'll be going with 3068 yeast, my first liquid.

If I were to use a specialty in a dunkelweizen it would be a small addition of Melanoidin malt. The colour is meant to come from munich/vienna malt and decocting. So maybe do the 2 tins of wheat malt and a small addition of melanoidin to get the right colour.

The hops are fine, keep it to 15-20IBU, probably closer to 20IBU as the extract may leave it a little sweeter.
I'll try the Melanoidin and Vienna when I progress to AG. I reckon I can get 2 or 3 extracts done in the meantime though.
Has anyone tried the Carabohemian or Wheat Caramel in an extract brew?
When I got a copy of brewing classic styles recently I noticed the dunkleweizen had about 4% (3.8 to be precise) special B in it. I'm certainly going to give that a go next time I brew one.
There looks to be an error in my copy of Brewing Classic Styles with that recipe. It states 3.08 kgs or 6.8 lbs of Wheat LME then 2.2lbs or 3.08kgs Munich LME. I think the Munich should be around 1kg which makes more sense. It would be nice to have access to some of the liquid malts in those recipes, where would I get Munich LME from?
The Special B will be on my list for sure but was thinking I could use maybe Caramunich I, Carabohemian or Caramel Wheat for the Crystal addition from that recipe and sub the Chocolate Wheat that I have for the Carafa II. I've never tried any of them and this is my first dunkelweizen so wouldn't have a clue. I've never even sampled a commercial version.
All of the commercial examples I have tried I dont like ! so I did my own AG thing, still to try the finished product so Im not going to post the recipe yet, but had Cara wheat a bit of Pale choc and some Special B.Tastes good out of fermenter flat, so its looking good.Weyermann does Munich extract (40%of grain bill), which is essential in my opinion.
I had a nice dunkel at the sunshine coast brewery on the weekend. I've finally found a wheat beer I really like!
Has anyone purchased one of the 25kg drums of Weyermann Munich Amber or Munich October Liquid Extract from Craftbrewer? Are they messy to use?
I'm guessing these would be a bit darker than the 9 lovibond extract in the Brewing Classic Styles dunkelweizen recipe.

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