Dry Hopping Longys

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Maryland, Newcastle,New South Wales, Australia, Ea
LOL :super: since ive been drinking my AG brews ive left my old K&K bottles alone. So today i tried one thats aged 2months and it is very sweet as in sugary. I dont know if this is how i was drinking them before and thought they were great but i just cant bring myself to drink all off em. So this is what i did:

Because the first one was alittle undercarbed i cracked a second bottle and dropped in half a carb lolly and about 4 hop pellets then recapped just before the fizz started to overflow then placed in a esky in case it blows. :D

what do people think of this as im curious to what the outcome will be?

ok back to my boiling AG cant stuff these brews up.

cheers kingy
Sounds like the bottles didn't ferment the priming sugar, otherwise they probably would have turned out better and not sugary. ?

I tried adding 1 pellet and 2 pellets to a few bottles in a batch once, wont be doing it again. Very grassy, bad taste and having hop floaties in your glass aint nice. Maybe if left for a looong time in a dark beer it maybe ok, im not gonna test it :)

With 4 pellets in a tall one, you'll be chucking em, bet ya! Out of curiosity what kinda hops did you add?
if i was you kingy
i'd get myself a "teaball" a "jug" and some "whole hops"
pour your longneck of beer into the jug which has in it the teaball which has in it 5g or so of whole hop goodness...
wait 5 minutes and drink.

i can taste/smell hops from a teaball in my kegs justa few minutes after adding them.. its great.
teaball sounds good, i couldnt finish of the largy before because it was to sweet so i grinded up a hop pellet and swirled it into the schooner glass :D and it was bloody horrible lol.

ah well can only experiment :)

oh i added some por pellets just to get rid of em lol i really dont like these hops.
coopers sparkling tin
specialy grain flavour pack (ale and bitter)
1kg ldme and 500 grams of dex

ive done this before and it turned out ok so im thinking the priming sugar aint carbed up yet bcoz its to cold.
the sheds been a constant 10-12 degrees for about 2 months. I bulk primed as well 180grams for 22 and half litres.

so buggered if i know
thats definately enough priming sugar...
i'd grab a bottle and put it somewhere warm for a few days, see how that goes.

nearly most aroma type hops would go with that beer, so grab a favourite in plug/whole form and pour the beers onto a teaball of them.?

or save them for ya mates..!?!?!?
:) yea im gunna do the teaball idea if they dont carb up anymore. Id give them all away but there in the old glass crown seal bottles that are about 20 years old. Otherwise im just gunna pour em out.

cheers mate thx for ur ideas
if i was you kingy
i'd get myself a "teaball" a "jug" and some "whole hops"
pour your longneck of beer into the jug which has in it the teaball which has in it 5g or so of whole hop goodness...
wait 5 minutes and drink.

i can taste/smell hops from a teaball in my kegs justa few minutes after adding them.. its great.

now that's a great idea, a poor man's randall.
:lol: funy that i was just chatting about that type of thing the other day with a mate.
The plan is to use a mini keg as a randall...!
i'll chuck 3, 4 or 8 teaballs (full with whatever hops i feel :D ) in my minikeg (4 litre) and then just fil the minikeg from the corny, sit it for a minute or so... then serve from the minikeg...!
essentialy a form of 'static' randall....

Whatya think.?

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