I really enjoy a Heffeweizen or two when I come home from work
but it seems to improvethe flavour when I drink my malty beers like ESB and bitters
has anyone else noticed this phenomenon
Or is it just me ?
Pumpy :unsure:
I really enjoy a Heffeweizen or two when I come home from work
but it seems to improvethe flavour when I drink my malty beers like ESB and bitters
has anyone else noticed this phenomenon
Or is it just me ?
Pumpy :unsure:
can be a breakfast beer (no joke -- those were the days!).
I really enjoy a Heffeweizen or two when I come home from work
but it seems to improvethe flavour when I drink my malty beers like ESB and bitters
has anyone else noticed this phenomenon
Or is it just me ?
Pumpy :unsure:
I'll often have one at 8am. Perfect deer to start the day with.
(no joke -- those were the days!)
still piss weak compared to HST, sorry Adam. The correct answer was fruit in Cointraeu and gin, cocaine, hash and a look at the news. Makes an oxidised CV look a bit pre-school.
+1 Pumpy but where is the poll?