Downed Plane - Holy ****!

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This plane went down yesterday not too far away from where I used to live, and less than 2 blocks from where a good friend still lives.

I know that crashes are rare but I'm glad I don't live in the flight path of an airport now.
Update: The friend that lives closeby sent me this email:

Tara and I were on the way home from the club (she was in the van and I was in the car) going up warman all of a sudden as we pass lawson I can hear sirens but I think they are on the radio. Two cop cars fly by us and I mean fly. Get to the intersection I can see firetrucks and ambulances and four other cop cars arriving. I can see something up against the wall (I thought it was a grain bin) but I keep moving cause I can see more cop cars coming up behind us. So if we had been a few minutes sooner we would have been in the thick of it. The plane crashed at 6:31 and we went through at 6:40.

Waaay too close for comfort.
Jesus. That reminds me of an incident back in the late 1970's when a small plane wasn't going to make it into Bankstown airport, so had to do an emergency landing on a busy, built up road in the middle of the day.

It was Hector St, Sefton, for those that know the area.