Does anyone use gas to sterilize equipment?

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Just a thought and I was thinking along the lines of a science lab, but does any one out there use gas.
Science labs use, ethylene oxide, Betapropiolactone and vaporised hydrogen peroxide.
I thought this would be a good idea for bottles, eliminating the need to drip dry.

I usually fill my bottles while there are still a few drops of sanitize solution in them. It shouldn't matter, but if they were dry, I'm sure it would be better.
IMHO, you only need to sanitize.I keg, but for the few I bottle for comps I just wash and clean thoroughly then use StarSan in a squirt bottle to sanitize before filling with a counter pressure bottle filler. I fill mine wet.

Gas sounds good, but I don't think it's practical, unless you have all that gear on hand.
My god that sounds wonderful! And I thought my stir plate and flasks looked suss. Now add a gas hood...
You would need to be 100% sure you regulate the temperature in a controlled environment, if the glass is cooler than the gas temperature it may condense and form a liquid, you do realise they are all water soluble and flamable/oxidizers? so if you had even a small leak over a period of time it could turn an enclosed space into a combustion chamber.

I would be happy to be corrected by an actual chemist though, as I am just a lowly laboratory assistant.

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