So I am thinking around 30mm dia at 150 long, would give me 30x125 of crushing area. I agree on the speed, I think I'll make it so I can hand crank it too, just in case my drill goes to fast.
Question now is; would a third lower dollar be the bee's knee's or just complicating things.
Have a favour to call in, so trying to score a 32mm SS bar 500mm long. Can knurl at work, thinking of stepping the ends and running on precision bearings. Assume that I drive only one roller and the other one or two will follow based on the grain being rolled through.
Make a frame with an elongated slot for your 2nd roller and have a bolt that sits horizontal against the outer bearing shell with a lock nut on the frame on both sides.
2 rollers is all that is necessary. Only drive one. Mine is about 5 or 6 in wide, probably a bit wide as a fair bit of torque is required. Bearings would be nice but not really necessary, I had access to bearings but also brass and decided that either way it will outlast me... I hope. Good luck. Its not that hard. A week on night shift and it will be finished.
Started about 67 finished about 65.5, I did a fair bit of checking temp and it is also cold where I live ATM. I think the finish crush and using a bag inside the tune as well as a good batch spare helped. My tun is an old rectangular Esky, ball valve in the side and some stainless braid, sourced from a length of cable, as the filter.
Ok, I'll still go for the 30 to 35mm bar, but ask for less. Although if I got more I am sure they'd be someone happy to take it off my hands
I have access to precision bearings but not brass, so that will be how I do that. We will have a hole cut for one in a fixed place, mill out a slot for the other, with an adjusting screw. Replicate, build a frame, bolt the whole thing together and make the hopper. Guy who is going to knurl the bar is going to make me a quick cad drawing, I'll share that if anyone wants to have a crack. Assuming it works
With the voile you don't have to let it sit just get the boiled water in and wide open throttle the tap. Then repeat. It went a bit slow at the start I just lifted the bag a little and away it went, then I dropped the bag back down and it continued.