Deleting Posts You Made While Wasted

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I cant seem to delete or edit posts I made while ive been wasted.

anyone else have this problem, or am i just access limited?
You can only edit/delete posts within an hour of you posting them. This has been set on purpose to encourage people to think before they post.
But if it is something you would really like removed, you could report it yourself using the report button, add a request, and a mod could get rid of it for you.
maybe they should allow the edit feature for 24 hours.

Should atleast allow enuff time to sober up.
You can only edit/delete posts within an hour of you posting them. This has been set on purpose to encourage people to think before they post.

Edit, yes, limited time.
Delete? Was able to delete a post at 0745 today that I made 2130 last night. Must have a longer time limit for deletes.

Just searched through some of my old posts and seems I have delete buttons next to week-old posts. No edit options though. Stupid I know, but were you logged in when you checked?
Arrrr the horrid pissed post. I got over that years ago. Now play poker stars for boozy internet fun and games.

Funny thing is I make good money whilst 'not completely sober' on poker stars.

Moral of the story - play poker, not try and crack a funny or try a troll on a forum or forums controlled/patrolled with/by nanas, typo nerds, warped reality. The list could go on and on.

If it's on the net for 5 minutes, it's there for life. Heard of google cache?
Or just think before you post....................

Really it isnt that hard.

Dont type anything that you wouldnt say to a persons face

Really it isnt that hard.

If you struggle, as a few on here do, to do the right thing then the mods should take a lesson from Chopper and toughen up.
More crack down on serial offendors.

Just my 2c worth
I only post drunk!

I just let it ride...

Its a great game, the next morning you get to look 'em up and see what you have said!!

Most the time I don't even understand me, but the thread carries on and my post is ignored...

BTW: First semi-sober post :p

Come on... its a beer forum...
44 posts in over 2 years

mate, sounds like you only get on for a run when your hamered............ not always a good idea!
Post something for us at 2 am. tomorrow morning, Cocko :D

I only post drunk!

I just let it ride...

Its a great game, the next morning you get to look 'em up and see what you have said!!

Most the time I don't even understand me, but the thread carries on and my post is ignored...

BTW: First semi-sober post :p

Come on... its a beer forum...
I understand all of the above and on most occasions would agree..

BUT I know for a fact that this site has lost some great people who refuse to post after certain peoples abusive posts, pms and emails.
To keep the worthy people who give great info and are genuine assets at the expense of those who ridicule and infuriate should be the number one goal of the moderators.

Just my 2c again
I don't suffer this problem, my posts get deleted for me when I'm drunk :)

Thanks mods!
I understand all of the above and on most occasions would agree..

BUT I know for a fact that this site has lost some great people who refuse to post after certain peoples abusive posts, pms and emails.
To keep the worthy people who give great info and are genuine assets at the expense of those who ridicule and infuriate should be the number one goal of the moderators.

Just my 2c again

Oh ********, the moderators don`t need you to tell them their job. Some of the "great people" {like who?} you refer to would be the ones that were embedded in here that long they thought they owned the place, and got their noses out of joint when they realised they didn`t.
There`s room enough for everyone and anyone on here, and the mods know when to pull someone up.
You need to remember it`s a beer forum,whatever is said or happens doesn`t change the world.
Live a bit, laugh a bit, even get pissed and post a bit.
It`s not painfull, I promise :D

Cheers anyway

I understand all of the above and on most occasions would agree..

BUT I know for a fact that this site has lost some great people who refuse to post after certain peoples abusive posts, pms and emails.
To keep the worthy people who give great info and are genuine assets at the expense of those who ridicule and infuriate should be the number one goal of the moderators.

Just my 2c again

Yep can't argue with that B)
I'd prefer to think about my posts rather than delete them days later. If the non-thinking is evident I'll deal with it, drunk or not.

However the limited edit feature is annoying due to being unable to correct typos.
I just wish I had 1/2 an hour to edit and retract the things I actually say :eek:
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