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As Some of you will no, i just came back from a 30day trip around the US and Canada

I went to Portland, Oregon the Microbrewary capital of the world, while there I bought some skis, boots etc. While waiting for these to be ready i decided to get a meal at the pub across the road.

Im sitting at the bar, and a guy walks in and sits down next to me, the whole bar says hello to him and we get talking, he asks me what brings me to portland, i tell him the beer, he says you have to come out of town to a party then a suprise, i reluctantly say yes

Anyway, he drives me about 40mins out of town to a microbrewary in the Beaumont Village. I meet a party of people and a guy named Dean who lives across the road. After a few beer we venture back to his basement

This guy apart from being a avid brewer, travels the country collecting beers, and everynight holds parties to celebrate beer, ever hour he opens a beer from around the country for people to share, he also has up to 6 beers on tap at anyone time

So after having a great night drinking some great beer, he has invited any homebrewer or beer lover to his place, i have attached pictures of his card and his basement, if you pop in tell him Dave from AUS sent you







That is what I call great hospitality and a serious beer lover.

How was the rest of the trip berazafi? Got any good reports on some of the micros over there?

Welcome back.

Fantastic and scary all in one post.

Great stuff.Sounds like that bloke in QLD called Ross. ;) :D

Big D
Nice one Dave, I bet Dean's the bloke in the pale blue T :party:
I like you have travelled through oregon to taste their fine produce. Since after all it is the state with the most microbreweries per populous it obviously is doing something right. Never got to meet a guy as cool as the one you did. But was wondering what your thoughts were on some of ther beers. I went to Full Sail, Deschutes, Widmer Bro's and Hair of the dog.

Primarily I drank APA's since the hops are all grown locally and used fresh there... And mostly I rated the Deschutes beers as a cut above the rest. Also Hair of the dog has some tasty beer also.

What were your thoughts. Every time I hear of someone going to Oregon I get incredibly jealous. It is such a beautiful part of the world and the beer is incredible. you are a very lucky man to of met that guy.

Let me know what you think
Bookmarked this page for whenever I gather the finances to get to the States.

What great hospitality.
A quick Google search of his name came up with several award winning Belgian ales (thats assuming there is not more than one Dean Pottle from Portland who happens to brew his own). But then, considering his absolute devotion to the product, is it really any wonder he knows how to brew great beer?
That is what traveling is all about. Having experiences like that beat the hell out of seeing all the things you are supposed to see when you go somewhere. The best travel experiences are getting to know the people and the culture of the place. Looks like an awesome time.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to look him up before I head to the Yakima Valley while I'm there in September :D

Thanks for the comments guys, as for some asking about the quality of beer, if you just ask around in portland about which brewaries to visit you wont go wrong, as for the standouts though Rouge for its customer service ( the guy poured me free beers for about 3 hours after close), and they had about 15 great beers on tap

and there was another which the name escapes me (higher gravity beers), they were around a 20min bus ride from town but excellent

Anyway it looks like i will be living in BC Canada soon so if anyone is heading to portland i take the 12hour trip to meet you there


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